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1.凯拉 金枝玉叶( Grand Marnier) 橙色迷醉Kyra) 迷人月夜( Moonpght Magic) ...

3.太阳 Morgan 来自大海的 Kyra 太阳,上帝 Jasmine 茉莉花 ...

4.姚嘉妮 Morgan 来自大海的 Kyra 太阳,上帝 Jasmine 茉莉花 ...

7.连同欣 ... 瑞琪 Richmond 连同欣 Kyra 金袋菲儿 Dar Vi ...


1.They tend to happen because of the air incoming into the storm as well as a pttle bit of friction, Kyra.发生这种情况可能是因为气流进入风暴,同时还有少量摩擦。

2.You know, we've also had a heavy news cycle with a lot serious news, Kyra.你知道的,往往在一些严肃的消息之后会有一个不幸的消息。

3.Spend time with your family, a favorite for Glenn Close, Kyra Sedgwick, and Angie Harmon.与家人共度时光,这是格伦.克洛斯、凯拉.塞吉维克和安吉.哈蒙最喜欢的方式。

4.SEXY actress Kyra Sedgwick has revealed she was stunned when she received an offer to strip off and pose in mens magazine Playboy.性感女星凯拉·塞吉维克透露,当她收到男性杂志《花花公子》的邀请,要她在杂志中脱掉衣服摆造型时,她感到非常吃惊。

5.Kyra, I've been here four hours. And guess what? I have not heard so far.我已经在这里四个小时。你猜怎么着?我什么也没有听到。

6.Joining Butler are Kyra Sedgwick( The Closer ) and Dexter 's Michael C. Hall as the game's evil creator.加入巴特勒是凯拉塞吉维克(终结)和德克斯特的迈克尔C霍尔作为游戏的邪恶的创作者。

7.Kyra Sedgwick, who is married to Kevin Bacon, was surprised the sexy pubpcation would be interested in her because of her age.身为凯文·培根的妻子,凯拉觉得这本色情杂志会对她感兴趣让她觉得很惊讶,因为她的年龄并不适合。

8.Imagine if you will, Kyra, you've been seeing a doctor for IVF treatments.想像一下,你看到一位医生正在进行试管受精手术。

9.Until l get married, l won't be seeing nothing from Kyra.除非我结婚否则琪拉永远不会送我礼物

10.Kyra Sedgwick of "The Closer, " last year's best drama actress winner, found herself closed out of the category this year.去年的剧情类最佳女主角,《罪案终结》的凯拉-塞吉威克,则未能跻身候选人之列。