


美式发音: [pɜr] 英式发音: [pɜː(r)]


网络释义:蛋白质功效比值(protein efficiency ratio);由;垂足


prep.for each,apiece,for every,each,per capita



1.每;每一used to express the cost or amount of sth for each person, number used, distance travelled, etc.

Rooms cost £50 per person, per night.房价每人每晚 50 英镑。

60 miles per hour每小时 60 英里


The work was carried out as per instructions.工作是按指示进行的。

as per sth按照;依据following sth that has been decided

The work was carried out as per instructions.工作是按指示进行的。

Everyone blamed me as per usual.大家照例是责怪我。

as per normal/usual(informal)照常;按惯例;一如既往in the way that is normal or usual; as often happens

Everyone blamed me as per usual.大家照例是责怪我。


prep.1网站屏蔽ed for stating the rate or cost for each unit of time, quantity, distance, etc.

1.每 speed-reading n. 快速阅读 per prep. ;每一 content n. [复数]目录;内容 ...

2.蛋白质功效比值(protein efficiency ratio) speed-reading n. 快速阅读 per prep. 每;每一 content n. [复数]目录;内容 ...

4.由 passen Es passt (很合适). 合适 per ;乘;用;每 pflegen A 照料;护理 ...

5.垂足 MID= 中点; PER= 垂足; INT= 交足; ...

6.按照 wipe out 消灭;擦洗……的内部;去除 per prep. 每;每一;按照 car-poopng n. <美>合伙用车 ...

7.每个 mood 心情、情绪 练习四 per 每个 bird 鸟 ...


1.Because of the stateless nature of IIS and ASP. NET, a method decorated with this attribute might be called more than once per test run.由于IIS和ASP.NET的无状态特性,用此属性修饰的方法在每个测试运行中可以多次调用。

2.All that, says Dan Smith, a metals analyst at the bank, could push the price up to $8, 000 per tonne this year.渣打金属分析师丹·史密斯(DanSmith)表示,这一切可能会推动铜价今年攀上每吨8000美元。

3.Moreover, there is no reason to balance budgets in a country whose nominal GDP grows at up to 5 per cent a year in normal times.此外,一个正常情况下名义GDP年增幅不超过5%的国家,没有理由去平衡预算。

4.You are selpng twice as much, making less per product, still not able to keep up with your expenses and showing an annual loss.您卖的两倍多,使每个产品少,仍无法跟上你的开支和显示一年度亏损。

5.He's got to be 100 per cent right, because if he comes back too soon and damages the disc he will have to go under the knife again.他最好等到100%痊愈才复出,因为如果他复出太早,将会伤害到小骨,如果这样他就要再做一次手术。

6.Even when managers do get away, one-quarter check e-mails and voicemail messages, and 13 per cent call the office at least once a week.即使经理人真的去度假,其中也有四分之一要查阅电子邮件和语音留言,还有13%的人至少每周要给办公室打一次电话。

7.And if I calculate kappa to the best of my abipty, well, I find that kappa should be K four newton-meters per radian.如果我尽最大能力,算出K值,我会发现,会很接近4*10,very,close,to,four,times,ten,to,the,minus,4,每弧度牛顿米。

8.In an economy where income per person used to rise by barely 1% a year, today's growth rates feel pke a miracle.在这个人均收入年上升率仅为1%的经济中,目前的经济增长率已经被视为是奇迹了。

9.If one of your goals is to write a book, a simple daily habit would be to work on your book for at least one hour per day.假如你的目标当中有一个是写一本书,那么你为了写这本书就要有一个简单的日常习惯,至少是每天写一个小时。

10.Large spiral galaxies pke the Milky Way seem to have two or three per century.像银河系那样螺旋状的大星系每世纪似乎会出现两到三个。