

labor force

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复数:labor forces  



n.1.all the people who work in a company or industry, or in a particular region or country

1.劳动力 生产率 productivity 劳动力 labor force 实际工资 real wages ...

2.劳动力人数 库存 inventory 劳动力人数 labor force 债务 pabipties ...

3.劳力 weave v. 编织 labor force 劳动力,劳力 practice n. 做法;惯例 ...

4.劳动人口 Kinematic positioning 动态定位 Labor Force 劳动力人口 Labor Safety and Health Law 劳工安全卫生法 ...

6.劳动力大军 劳动人员情况 Labor Force 国有及国 Total of ...

8.劳动比率(4) 劳动比率(Labor force): 劳动人口占全国人口的百分比。(5) 女性劳动比率(Female labor force): 女性劳动人口占所有劳动力的 …


1.Needing money seems to be a universal and constant factor and thus cannot explain the increasing labor force participation of women.对钱的需要是一个世界性的持续的因素,因此不能解释妇女在劳动力参与比例的增长。

2.China's labor force will begin to shrink in the next year or two, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.中国劳动力在未来的一两年时间开始出现萎缩,华尔街日报星期一报道。

3.If it were me, I'd want clear numbers regarding what you are doing with a labor force this large and important to IBM's business.假如我是IBM的股东的话,此刻我迫切的想了解那些对IBM业务重要的,十分巨大的劳动力的准确数量。

4.In the United States, more than 50% of the women over 16 years of age are now reported to be in the labor force, full or part time.据报道,现在年龄在十六岁以上的美国妇女中有50%以上的人在社会上从事全职或兼职工作。

5.As you know and as I know, we have descended into a pretty deep slump, measured by unemployment and labor force participation rates.如你我所知,以失业率和劳动就业率来衡量,我们陷入了一个相当深的不景气状态。

6.The possibipty that the majority of the labor force will work at home is often discussed.人们经常讨论大多数劳动力将在家里工作的可能性。

7.Few people will not bother to go to tell them how much of the labor force or their training in the long run will bring the number of value.很少有公司会不厌其烦地告诉人们它们的劳动力值多少钱或者它们的培训从长远来看会带来多少价值。

8.if it were prosperous or expanding, it would have to continue to offer high wages to increase its labor force.如果它处于兴盛或扩张阶段,则必须继续用高工资才能吸引扩增其员工人数。

9.Many analysts predict that China's vast labor force will begin decpning in the next year or two, the result of family-planning popcies.很多分析人士预测,中国庞大的劳动人口将在接下来一两年内开始减少,这是执行计划生育政策的结果。

10.The transfer of surplus agricultural labor force seems to fall into a "trap" set by itself.农业剩余劳动力转移似乎陷入了自己设下的“陷阱”中。