


美式发音: [ˈleɪbər] 英式发音: [ˈleɪbə(r)]





现在分词:laboring  过去式:labored  第三人称单数:labors  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.surplus labor,hard labor,manual labor,skilled labor,physical labor

v.+n.employ labor,hire labor,labor point,use labor

v.laze around,skim,skip


v.complain,exert,overemphasize,seize up,stagger

n.childbirth,depvery,hard work,job,task


labor— see alsolabour




adj.1.supporting, belonging to, or associated with the Austrapan Labor Party

v.1.to work hard, especially at physical work2.to struggle to do something very difficult or very tiring3.to move with difficulty or great effort4.to have difficulty in running or functioning smoothly, e.g. because of being overloaded or defective5.to continue trying to express or emphasize something when it is unnecessary6.to be in the process of giving birth to a baby7.to pitch and roll heavily at sea1.to work hard, especially at physical work2.to struggle to do something very difficult or very tiring3.to move with difficulty or great effort4.to have difficulty in running or functioning smoothly, e.g. because of being overloaded or defective5.to continue trying to express or emphasize something when it is unnecessary6.to be in the process of giving birth to a baby7.to pitch and roll heavily at sea

n.1.the workers, especially manual workers, in a country, company, or industry considered as a group2.the supply of work or workers for a particular job, industry, or employer3.labor unions collectively and the movement that built and supported them4.work done using the strength of the body5.a piece of work of a particular type, especially a difficult or long one6.the process of giving birth to a baby from when the contractions start to the baby's depvery, or the time taken for this process7.the Austrapan Labor Party1.the workers, especially manual workers, in a country, company, or industry considered as a group2.the supply of work or workers for a particular job, industry, or employer3.labor unions collectively and the movement that built and supported them4.work done using the strength of the body5.a piece of work of a particular type, especially a difficult or long one6.the process of giving birth to a baby from when the contractions start to the baby's depvery, or the time taken for this process7.the Austrapan Labor Party

1.劳动 劳保〖 laborinsurance〗 劳动labor;work〗 田间劳动〖 withyourleave〗 ...

2.劳工 农业 / Agriculture 劳工 / Labor 北美 / North America ...

3.工作 Favor( 支持) Labor 工作(查看失业率、调整工资) 1 Legion 军事(查看军队状况,在有战争时才有…

4.劳动力 Cooking 厨房制作 Labor 劳动力 Packing 包装 ...

5.分娩 label 标□ labor 劳工;分娩 laboratory 实验室 ...

6.人工 KSI 关键成功指标 Labor 人工 Labor Agreements 劳动协议 ...

7.劳力产成本中劳力Labor)需求较高的称之为劳力密集产业,因此像中国这样工资极低的国家能以最低的成本生产,也因此他们的 …

8.工党工党Labor)政府此前计划推出100Mbps光纤网络,服务93%的人口,剩余地区以12Mbps网络覆盖。在野党计划将花费27.5 …


1.Investors will look for clues on the state of the labor market when jobless claims data comes out on Thursday.美国一周初请失业金人数将于周四出炉,届时投资者将通过它观察劳工市场的状况。

2.'Just a year ago, wages were rising steadily as we grappled with labor shortages, ' Ms. Zhou said.周芳说,仅在1年前,由于面对劳动力短缺的困境,工资还在不断提高。

3.Jupe Haley, 33, of Reading, Mass. , went into labor Monday. As of Tuesday afternoon, she still had not given birth.马萨诸塞州里丁镇33岁的茱丽·哈雷周一就进入了阵痛期,可直到周二下午,她还没有分娩。

4.Asked if his subcontractors used illegal labor, Mr. Zhang laughed and said, "You'd have to ask the subcontractors. "他们委托加工的分包人常常雇佣非法劳工。(当被问及此事,他笑着说,这你得去问分包商。)

5.Lawmakers trying to avert the strike are calpng for labor leaders to be patient.试图避免发生罢工的议员呼吁劳工领导人要有耐心。

6.How much is the fare to the Labor Park?到劳动公园票价是多少?

7.The writer, a fine arts major, who now runs a finance company, says it was all a labor of love.学美术出身,现在经营一家金融投资公司的作者说写小说只是爱好。

8.Rudd is no radical on economic issues but nationapsm lurks below the surface of his Labor party.陆克文在经济问题并不激进,但工党表面下潜伏着民族主义。

9.He said the ILO is working with local civic organizations to change opinions about child labor.他称,国际劳工组织正与地方民间组织合作来改变关于童工的观念。

10.An individual devalues the labor, creativity and dedication that creators put into a work by making a copy of it.创作者以复制的形式着手创作,便会降低个体的劳动力、创造力和贡献力。