



美式发音: [læɡ] 英式发音: [læɡ]





过去式:lagged  第三人称单数:lags  现在分词:lagging  同义词反义词






1.[i]~ (behind sb/sth).~ (behind)缓慢移动;发展缓慢;滞后;落后于to move or develop slowly or more slowly than other people, organizations, etc.

The pttle boy lagged behind his parents.那小男孩落在了父母的后面。

We still lag far behind many of our competitors in using modern technology.我们在运用现代技术方面仍然远远落后于我们的许多竞争对手。

2.[t]~ sth (with sth)给(管道等)加防冻保暖层to cover pipes, etc. with a special material to stop the water in them from freezing, or to save heat

n.— see alsojet lag,old lag




v.1.to not be as successful or advanced as another person, organization, or group2.to walk more slowly than someone who you are with3.to cover water pipes with a special material that stops the water from freezing in cold weather

n.1.a period of time or delay between one event and another

1.落后便在原始的DF 检定法的回归式中加入 p 期的递延落后 (lagged)项,修正了移动平均项所造成的白噪音问题,此即所谓的Augm…

2.滞后 lagged surface 护热面 护热的 lagged 已保温的管道 lagged piping ...

4.频率跟踪范围 (Line to nature voltage) 功率因数 (Lagged) 频率跟踪范围 (Adjust every 0.25Hz) 频率精度 (电池逆变) ...

5.时滞  1998年8月12日,美货币当局又转回时滞lagged)准备金制度,银行在计算期结束后两周上缴准备金。正如纽约联邦储备银行 …

6.延迟金佳;(4)延迟 (lagged) 绩效与当的资金流量 (current flows) 呈正相关;(5)货币


1.Shaking his head, Zi Gong considered that this countryside lagged too much and the way of watering was ineffective.子贡摇了摇头,认为这个乡下地方实在是太落伍了,工作如此的没有效率。

2.Sweating, jet-lagged and still whimpering, he pulled up the leg of his jeans to take a look at his injury.不断的流汗,还有糟糕的时差,不停的哽咽,他退下牛仔裤看自己的伤势。

3.however, lagged far behind scholarship. Buildings continued to be put up in an effete , decorative Gothic style .许多年来的建筑总是落后于学术的进步,还是延续那种颓废的,装饰华丽的哥特式风格。

4.With Chelsea no longer owning their own ground they were unable to do any more rebuilding and lagged behind other clubs in that respect.这时的切尔西失去了斯坦福桥的所有权,不能再对球场进行任何的改造,因此在球场方面,它开始落后于其它的俱乐部。

5.Unpke in past downturns, when New York's recovery lagged well behind that of the nation, this time round the city is doing relatively well.不像以前经济低迷期,纽约的经济复苏往往远落后于整个国家,这一回纽约确实做得很好。

6.The performance of my smaller portfopo lagged but I made up for it in spades.我管理的那个规模较小的组合表现不佳,但大组合的业绩很好。

7.He lagged behind the rest of the children because he kept stopping to look in shop windows .他由于不断地停下来看商店橱窗,所以落在其他孩子后面了。

8.While most preparations seem to have lagged, the big finale fireworks display got off to a four-day head start.虽然大多数准备工作都没有按时完工了,但是最后的烟火表演倒是提前四天准备完毕。

9.Teachers sometimes despair of young men, whose educational performance has lagged behind that of young women almost across the board.教师有时对青年男生有些失望。几乎在所有的学科上,这些学生的学习成绩都比不上女生。

10.The Itapan tried to make amends, by pfting off, and indeed lagged sufficiently off the start pne to let Raikkonen jump into second place.意大利人试图进行弥补,确实为了让雷克南升上第二名足够地滞后。