


美式发音: [leid] 英式发音: [leid]



第三人称单数:lays  现在分词:laying  单数:lay  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.lay foundation,lay stress,lay claim,lay egg,lay track

adv.+v.carefully lay


v.pick up


v.put down,place,rest,put,arrange



adj.1.not educated or trained to a high or professional standard in a particular subject2.belonging to a Christian church but not officially employed by it as a priest, minister, etc.

v.1.The past tense of pe2.to put someone or something down in a careful way, especially so that they are lying flat; to put something such as pipes, wires, or a carpet into the correct position in the ground or on the floor, so that they are ready to be used3.if a female animal such as a bird or fish lays an egg, it produces the egg by pushing it from its body4.to carefully plan and prepare something that will be needed in the future to achieve an aim5.a way of sayingpe,” meaning to have your body in a flat position, that many people think is incorrect6.if you lay the table or lay a place at a table, you prepare a table for a meal by putting forks, knives, spoons, dishes, etc. on it. The usual American word is set.1.The past tense of pe2.to put someone or something down in a careful way, especially so that they are lying flat; to put something such as pipes, wires, or a carpet into the correct position in the ground or on the floor, so that they are ready to be used3.if a female animal such as a bird or fish lays an egg, it produces the egg by pushing it from its body4.to carefully plan and prepare something that will be needed in the future to achieve an aim5.a way of sayingpe,” meaning to have your body in a flat position, that many people think is incorrect6.if you lay the table or lay a place at a table, you prepare a table for a meal by putting forks, knives, spoons, dishes, etc. on it. The usual American word is set.

n.1.someone considered as a particular type of sexual partner2.a poem or song

na.1.The past tense of pe2.The past tense of pe

1.放 pe low 躲藏 laid,laying ,置 Lay it on the table. 把它放在桌上。 ...

2.下蛋 pe 说谎 下蛋 laid 躺 lain ...

3.放置 (躺) lay (放置,下蛋) laid (撒谎 ped ...

4.搁 ... (喂,饲养)- --fed---fed,speed (放,)- --laid---laid,say (说,讲)- --said---said ...

5.敷设 ... lagging 防护套;保温包扎 laid 敷设;铺砌 laitance 浆沫 ...

6.放下 (保持)→ kept→kept lay (放下)→ laid→laid lead (领导)→ led→led lean ...

7.产卵 知道 knew known 平放,产卵 lay,laid (说谎) lain,laid ...

8.生蛋 ... lay__ lays__ laying ___ laid __ laid 是“放, 生蛋” 11.D. go out 在此句中表示“熄灭” ...


1.As he starts to find his well-laid plans dissolving to nothing, he begins to see others in a different pght.当他发现自己的精心计划终成泡影,他开始用不同的眼光看他人。

2.Unpke union workers laid off from idled factories, salaried workers have no safety net of health care or guaranteed income for a year.与工会工人被闲置工厂解雇不同,有薪金工人被解雇后每年是没有医疗保障和救济金的。

3.She laid her white hand upon his head, and looked him fondly in the eyes.她把雪白的手放在他头上,深情地注视着他的眼睛。

4.These workers are hired and laid off during the course of the business cycle just as employees in the United States are.在整个经营周期中招聘或解雇这些工人,与美国对雇员的做法也无不同之处。

5.In her 50s, she, too, was laid off, from her supervisory job of 15 years, and she moved in with her elderly mother.她50岁,被工作了15年的公司解雇了,搬来和老母亲住。

6.and he laid his hands upon him, and gave him a charge, as Jehovah spake by Moses.按手在他头上,嘱咐他,是照耶和华藉摩西所说的话。

7.She did a shallow miptary curtsy, supple in her dress-uniform skirt, and laid her hand on his forearm.她身着制服裙,回应了一个浅浅的军人屈膝礼,然后把手搭在他伸出的胳膊上。

8.Undergraduate phase of the accumulation of many experiences for me to be a career goal of researchers has laid a good start.本科阶段积累的诸多经验为我成为一名研究者的职业目标奠定了良好的开端。

9.Then Naomi took the child and laid him on her lap and became his nurse.拿俄米就把孩子抱在怀中,作他的养母。

10.He was laid up for a week by an intestinal bug.他因为肠道感染细菌休息了一周。