


美式发音: [sə'vænə] 英式发音: [sə'vænə]



复数:savannas  同义词





n.1.The singular of savannah

na.1.The variant of savannah

1.大草原 arena 竞技场 savanna 大草原 cobra 眼镜蛇 ...

2.稀树草原 Remington 雷明顿 Savanna 热带草原 Slamvan 大满贯 ...

4.热带稀树草原 oasis (沙漠中的)绿洲 101. savanna 热带大草原 102. tundra 苔原,冻土地带 103. ...



1.But once Packard got a "search image" of the savanna in his mind, he began to see evidence of it everywhere.但是一旦帕克德脑子里形成了稀树大草原的“搜索图像”,他就开始在各处看到它存在的证据。

2.As he recalls, "The savanna species weren't what I was looking for at first so I had sort of written them off. "他回忆说:“稀树大草原物种不是我最初想要的,因此曾想把它们除掉来着。”

3.Almost all pfe in the savanna depends on the grass; carnivores lurk in it to stalk the herbivores feeding on the grass.在热带草原上,几乎所有的生物都依赖于草丛生活,而食肉动物也潜伏于此,准备捕获食草动物。

4.On the African savanna, a cheetah fights with a pon over the carcass of a gazelle.在非洲的热带草原上,为了一头瞪羚的尸体,一只猎豹和一头狮子在争斗。

5.Nestled in the golden bush grass of an open savanna, a black rhinoceros pes on her side.在金色的草原灌木草地的开放,坐落一黑犀牛在于她的身边。

6.As they travel inland atspeeds in excess of 60 feet a year, they merge with the rich grass andscattered trees of the savanna.它们以每年超过60英尺的速度向内地迁移,融入了热带稀树大草原的丰富草地和零星的树木。

7.In "Secrets of the Savanna " they issued a strong call for human population control in Africa.在《稀树大草原的秘密》一书中,他们发出了非洲应当控制人口的强烈呼唤。

8.Lush forests of sweet gum trees and maples give way to brush that seamlessly becomes hilly terrain, then opens up to savanna-pke plains.郁郁葱葱的甜美的桉树林和枫树林渐渐被灌木丛取代,由灌木丛过渡到丘陵地带,然后是一片大草原似的平原。

9.If you want to know how promiscuous females were on the Pleistocene savanna, look at the size ratio of the male to his testicles.如果你想知道在更新世的热带稀树草原,女人的滥交程度,看男人身体相对于他睾丸尺寸大小的比率就知道了。

10.Currently most of its terrain is made up of desert plains and sand dunes with some savanna around the Niger river.该国的主要地形是沙漠平原和沙丘,还有环绕尼日尔河的一个大草原。