


美式发音: [ˈleɪəti] 英式发音: ['leɪəti]







laityn.— see alsolayman

1.(统称)平信徒all the members of a Church who are not clergy


n.1.people who are members of a church but who are not priests

1.俗人 平头 flattop;crew cut;common 俗人 common people;laity 万民 all the people ...

2.外行 laird 地主,领主 laity 信徒,外行 lam 鞭打;越狱 ...

3.平信徒 门外汉 outper 门外汉 laity ...

5.俗信徒 lair 野兽的巢穴 laity 俗信徒 lambaste 痛打,痛骂 ...

6.普通信徒 accord 给予 laity 普通信徒 latitude 言行自由 ...

7.外行人 lagging indicator 滞后指标 laity 外行人 land 土地,地产 ...


1.Monks, however, do not normally perform sacramental rituals for the laity, and would not normally officiate at baptisms and marriages.不过,僧侣并不为在俗教徒施行圣礼,也没有主持洗礼或婚礼的惯例。

2.Gregory stirred up riots of the laity against married priests and their wives, in which both often suffered brutal ill-treatment.格雷高里煽起俗众暴乱用以抵制结婚的祭司和他们的妻子,这时僧侣夫妻经常遭到令人发指的虐待。

3.There's an old saying among collectors: "collections for cognoscenti , gadgets for laity" .收藏界有这么句俗话:“会挑的买来收藏,不会挑的买个喜爱。”

4.General: That the laity and the Christian communities may be responsible promoters of priestly and repgious vocations.总祈祷意向:愿平信徒和基督徒团体成为司铎和修会圣召负责任的推动者。

5.Pray for the laity to respond to the call to be missionaries and evangepsts today.为平信徒回应福传的召叫祈祷。

6.Twere profanation of our joys To tell the laity our love.对俗人诉说我们的爱情,

7.So let us melt, and make no noise, No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move, 'Twere profanation of our joys To tell the laity our love.没有泪水滚滚,没有叹息阵阵,让我们悄悄融化飞逝,我们的欢乐万勿亵渎,我们的爱恋切莫向俗人显示。

8.He called on the laity not to attend mass when celebrated by a recalcitrant priest.他号召俗众不去参加那些拒不听命的祭司为人举行的弥撒。

9.The Utah branch of Mormonism dissolves the distinctions between the priesthood and the laity.摩门教犹他会解除了祭司与世俗者之间的区别。

10.Buddhism contains an excellent moral code for monks and laity, but it is much more than an ordinary moral teaching.佛教为比丘和在家人制订了很好的戒律,但是它比一般的道德教学要求得更高。