


美式发音: [ˈræpɪd] 英式发音: ['ræpɪd]





adj.+n.rapid development,rapid expansion,rapid progress,rapid increase,rapid rise





1.[ubn]瞬间的;短时间内发生的happening in a short period of time

rapid change/expansion/growth迅速的改变╱扩张╱增长

a rapid rise/decpne in sales销售额的急剧上升╱下降

The patient made a rapid recovery .病人很快恢复了健康。

2.迅速的;快速的;快捷的done or happening very quickly

a rapid pulse/heartbeat急促的脉搏╱心跳

The guard fired four shots in rapid succession.卫兵接连开了四枪。

The disease is spreading at a rapid rate.这种疾病正在迅速蔓延。



adj.1.happening, moving, or acting quickly

1.迅速的 rank n. 职衔,军衔 rapid a. 快的,迅速的 rare a. 罕见的,稀有的 ...

2.快的 rank n. 职衔,军衔 rapid a. 快的,迅速的 rare a. 罕见的,稀有的 ...

3.快速 ranch 大牧场,大农场 rapid 迅速的,快速的 rat 老鼠 ...

5.急流 rank n. 排,横行;社会阶层 rapid a. 快的 n.急流 rapidly ad. 迅速地 ...

6.急速 急事〖 emergency〗 急速〖 hurried;rapid;fast;athighspeed〗 急湍〖 swiftcurrent;rapids;torrent …


1.I feel wrong, and in a rapid exit from the spirit of the storm, over-rapid, suddenly made my mind to have burst gaps, as if having dizzy.我感觉不对,从精神风波中急速退出,过度的急速,顿时使我的头脑中又一阵空白,天旋地转似的。

2.Pressure is piled on the Bank of England, which responds with a rapid succession of interest rate cuts, lowering the base rate to just 2%.英国银行被压力充斥着,据报道银行利率快速衰退,基准利率降至2%

3.This type of rapid progression, although spontaneous remission may be, but to maintain long, easy to relapse.此型病程发展较快,虽可自发缓解,但维持不久,易再发。

4.The rapid growth and development in science has scarcely slowed at any time since the beginning of this period.自从这一时期开始以来,科学的迅速成长与发展就几乎没有再减缓过。

5.I've read that you can delay naps by an hour if necessary, but missing a nap can cause a rapid crash that takes a while to recover from.如果有必要,你可以将打盹时间推迟一个小时,但是错过一次睡眠就会导致崩溃,并需要相当长的时间才能恢复。

6.But HTC's rapid growth, especially in Apple's American home turf, has made it a competitor worth worrying about.但是HTC的快速增长,尤其是在苹果公司的美国本土市场,已经让它的竞争对手担忧了。

7.days , even months , passed by unheeded in one rapid and instructive course . at the end of a year dant.时间在学习中飞速地流逝,一年之后,唐太斯已变成了另一个人。

8.Often, however, the business model needs as much rapid development as the feature set, and can take quite a while to emerge.但商业模式常常需要和特性集合一样快的发展,可能过很长时间才能形成。

9.Rapid economic growth is often accompanied by inflation.是说‘经济成长迅速,往往会带来通胀’;

10."I am very glad you have come, " she began, not raising her eyes and feepng the rapid and violent beating of her heart.“你们来了,我很高兴,”玛丽亚公爵小姐开始说了,她没有抬起眼睛,觉得心跳得厉害。