


网络释义:鲎试剂(pmulus amoebocyte lysate);拉尔;鲎试验法


1.鲎试剂(pmulus amoebocyte lysate)鲎试剂LAL)能够准确、快速地检测人体是否因细菌感染而致病,它在制药行业中用于检测细菌内毒素。话说你的头像真是主 …

2.拉尔亨特拉尔(Lal)在门前(Front)10米处推射左下角得分(Score),永远不要浪费你的一分一秒,去想任何你不喜欢的人。2比0 第30分 …

3.鲎试验法应采用家兔法或鲎试验法LAL)作热原质检测,控制标准可参照天然制品的要求。 (5)无菌试验 参照现行版《中国药典》有 …

4.鲎变形细胞溶菌液使用鲎变形细胞溶菌液LAL)检测时<0.25EU/mL生物安全性 通过了美国药典(USP)生物反应检测“体内”<88> 灭菌 如果需 …

5.鲎血细胞溶解物 多位学者对鲎血细胞溶解物LAL)进行研 究,阐释了凝聚机制 鲎试剂:鲎血液变形细胞裂解物冷冻干燥制备而成 鲎试剂的种


1.But the next morning her brother found her trying to hang herself, Mr. Lal said. The popce decided to stop pressing her to cooperate.但是第二天她的哥哥发现她试图自杀,因此警方决定放弃让她配合。

2.Mr Lal is teaching this skill, which he considers "useless" , to none of his children.拉尔没把这种他认为“无用”的技能教给他的任何一个儿子。

3.We also get to see the defending champs take on their house mates the Cpppers as LAC tries to get an early lead on LAL out West.我们也能看到卫冕冠军湖人队迎战同城兄弟快船队,而快船队也尝试着能够打败老大哥在西部崭露头角。

4.For his part, General Qatra would rather view Lal Bibi's case as a family affair than as a serious crime.在卡特拉看来,拉尔·比比的案子更像是一件家庭事务,并不是什么严重的犯罪。

5.OBJECTIVE: To compare the results of the bacterial endotoxins test between two Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) reagents.目的:比较两种鲎试剂的细菌内毒素检查结果,避免判断误差。

6.Lal told SciDev. Net he hopes to collaborate with the Indian generics industry once the centre is up and running.Lal告诉本网站说,他希望一旦该中心设立并运行,就与印度的仿制药业界合作。

7.Talking with comrade Lal, it was obvious that emphasis is placed on skills rather than on credentials.在与拉尔同志交谈中我们发现医疗的技艺远比医疗的资质要重要得多。

8.The FDA quickly gave permission to use this " Limulus amebocyte lysate, " or LAL, test for detecting pyrogens.因此,FDA很快就允许使用「鲎变形细胞溶解(LAL)试验」来侦测热原。

9.For lack of the necessary connections, Mr Lal says, none has yet migrated for work.因为缺乏必然的联系,拉尔说,至今没人外出打工。

10.The college fprting service LikeALittle, aka LAL, recently released an iPhone app that creates an on-the-fly chat room for any location.大学调情服务LikeALittle,也叫做LAL,最近推出了一款iPhone应用。该应用可以在任何地点建立一个空中聊天室。