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2.拉玛尔 29、LeBron 勒布朗-詹姆斯 30、Lamar 拉玛尔-奥多姆 1、Kevin 凯文-加内特 ...

3.大海的 25.Kontar 唯一的孩子 1.Lamar 大海的 2.Lamont 律师 ...

4.拉马尔县萨县(Tuscaloosa)的一位女士,她在附近的拉马尔县(Lamar)长大,家里属于严格的联合基督教会(Church of Christ),做祷告 …

5.全线单板产品 KUU- 板蜡 Lamar - 全线单板产品 Lap Hing Mercantile Limited - 单板靴 …

6.拉玛尔大学红雀 ... StephenF.Austin( 斯蒂芬·奥斯汀州立大学伐木工) Lamar( 拉玛尔大学红雀) TexasState( 德州州立大学山 …

7.东线除了 从昨天住的 Colt:0.23 % 东线除了 Lamar:0.23 % 黄石 抢沙发 : 1.34 % buffalo bill:1.34 % ...


1.But what to do with Lamar Odom? The Lakers'in-house opinion of him swayed throughout the season.那么Lamar呢?湖人内部对他的态度在这个赛季摇摆不定。

2.Reporting from Minneapops -- Lamar Odom stared at his left leg before Sunday's game against the Minnesota Timberwolves.明尼阿波利斯报道——拉玛尔-奥多姆在周日对森林狼的比赛中,要用他的左腿撑起比赛。

3.Lamar pved up to the hype as one of the best players in college basketball, but his team. . . well. . . not so much.奥多姆没有辜负人们对他是大学最好的篮球员之一的天花乱坠宣传,但是他的球队,哎,甭提了。

4.After initially bristpng at the idea of coming off the bench in a contract year, Lamar Odom seems to have warmed to the role.起初奥多姆不满在合约年被放在板凳,但现在他对这角色已经很舒服了。

5.The chat included "zero" discussion, according to Bryant, about how the Lakers might be able to bring Trevor Ariza and Lamar Odom back.据科比透露,此次会议无所不谈,其中包括了湖人队如何留下阿里扎和奥多姆的重要议题。

6.Lamar Odom was not selected to be a captain, although Jackson said not to read too much into it.奥多姆没有被选上队长,而杰克逊也没有对此说太多。

7.Lamar Odom and Trevor Ariza are in the final year of their contracts, and Kobe Bryant can opt out of his contract next summer.奥多姆和阿里扎都进入了合同的最后一年,科比也可以在明年夏天选择跳出合同。

8."I've seen him [play] injured and sick, " forward Lamar Odom said. "You know how he loves to compete. "“我见过他带伤比赛,”走在前面的奥多姆说,“你知道他有多么热爱竞技。”

9.Search more than the number of its record for the United States Basketball Lamar Odom Prince's wedding.其搜索的次数超过此项记录的保持者,美国篮球王子拉马尔奥多姆的婚礼。

10.The best big man the Jazz have is Paul Millsap, and he comes off the bench and will lose the quickness battle with Lamar Odom.爵士阵中最好的大个子是板凳上的保罗-米尔萨普,不过当他对阵奥多姆的时候,他会在速度上吃不少亏的。