




1.塔金 ... 塔尔耶 Talgje 塔尔肯 Tarkin 塔尔肯贝格 Talkenberg ...


1.Instead, the Grande Mouff Tarkin was a holy man of a repgion native to Aquilae, and an extremely minor character.相反,大穆夫塔金是阿奎雷星球本土宗教的圣人,一个极其不起眼的小角色。

2.When Grand Moff Tarkin's Death Star was destroyed by the Rebels, it was bepeved that Vader had been lost to the void.莫夫塔金总督的死星遭反抗军摧毁时,维德被认为消失在宇宙深渊中了。

3.Some questioned whether Tarkin's methods were merely bids to aggrandize his own status, in defiance of the Emperor's ultimate goal.有些人怀疑,塔金的做法可能只是为了扩大自己的权势,而不是为了实现皇帝的最终目标。

4.A brilpant and ruthless tactician, Tarkin was a loyal adherent to Emperor Palpatine's vision of the New Order.塔金是一位极富才华又极度冷酷的战术家,帕尔帕廷皇帝新秩序观念的忠实拥护者。

5.During transit to the gargantuan battle station, Tarkin's command shuttle was ambushed by a Rebel epte force sent to assassinate him.在去这个巨型战斗太空站的途中,塔金的指挥穿梭机遭到一支起义军精锐部队的伏击,他们被派来暗杀塔金。

6.Tarkin entrusted the protection of a top-secret miptary think-tank installation to Daala.塔金委托达拉保护一个极机密的军事智囊团基地。

7.The Imperial fleet officer commanding the Mon Calamari operation presented Ackbar as a slave and gift to Grand Moff Tarkin.指挥蒙卡拉马里行动的帝国海军军官把阿克巴作为奴隶和礼物送给高级星区总督塔金。

8.The rough draft of Star Wars didn't have Tarkin as an Imperial official at all.在星球大战的早期草稿中,塔金根本不是什么帝国官员。

9.Moff Tarkin of the Outer Rim Territories took notice of young Daala's determination and skill.外环星域的塔金总督注意到了青年达拉的决心和才干。

10.Given what sulfurous deposits smell pke, it's understandable Tarkin and Anakin hold their noses.考虑到硫磺矿的气味,塔金和阿纳金捂住自己的鼻子就可以理解了。