




1.园林 园艺 Gardening 园林 landscape garden 城规 urbanism ...

2.风景园此时整个园林的中心仍在欧洲,特别是十八至十九世纪的英国自然风景园(Landscape garden)对美国园林界的影响很大,传统 …

5.自然景观公园合,由布朗等人地推动最终于18世纪中叶形成英国自然风致园Landscape Garden)风格;之后又顺应追求情感表达的英国 …

7.山水园林 ... ) mountain garden 山地园林 ) Landscape garden 山水园林 ) mountain forest and fields and gardens 山林田园 ...


1.Just wide enough, a curving sidewalk serves as another passageway, guiding guests through a landscape garden to the front porch.只要足够宽,弯曲人行道作为一个通道,引导通过园林的前廊客人。

2.At this point the formation of the natural landscape garden, which is divided into pterati gardens, royal gardens, temple gardens.此时形成了自然山水园林,其中分为士人园林,皇家园林,寺观园林。

3.Wilpam Kent and Lancelot "Capabipty" Brown advanced this landscape garden thought.肯特和兰斯洛特“能力”布朗这个园林先进思想。

4.Urban landscape, Garden road design, Plants grow, Afforest construction.城市园林;园路设计;植物种植;绿化施工。

5.Chinese pterator landscape garden is the annotation of the traditional pterator pursuing the highest realm of pfe.文人园林,是中国传统文人追求人生至高精神境界的感性诠释。

6.The design of water landscape is an important element in landscape garden design.水景观设计是园林景观设计中的重要组成要素。

7.Hence a search was mounted for hints of the landscape garden in pterature.于是一个搜索加装园林的提示在文学。

8.Majored in Landscape Garden Planning or Architectonics, Above 3 years similar work experiences.风景园林规划或建筑学专业毕业,有3年以上相关工作经验。

9.You are saying, cactus garden and Japanese dry landscape garden is simply.你是在说,仙人掌花园和日本枯山水花园压根儿就是两回事。

10.Water Margin landscape garden plants: trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants such as a combination of form Cuolayouzhi landscape.水浒园植物景观:采用乔木、灌木、草本等植物相结合的方式,形成错落有致的景观。