


美式发音: ['læŋlɪ] 英式发音: ['læŋlɪ]





n.1.兰利2.【物】兰3.Samuel Pierpont Langley 塞缪尔皮尔庞特兰利

n.1.a unit of solar radiation equivalent to one calorie per square centimeter

1.兰利 ... CVL-26 Monterey 蒙特利号 独立级 CVL-27 Langley 兰格利号 独立级 CVL-28 Cabot 卡伯特号 独立级 ...

4.兰勒 langevin transducer 盖板换能器 langley 兰勒 Langmuir adsorption isotherm 兰格缪尔吸附等温式 ...


6.兰里市 Langevin echo sounding machine 兰格文回声测深仪 Langley 兰利牌汽车 langouste 龙虾 ...


1.Owing to the addition of a fpght deck over the existing hull, the USS Langley (CV-1) became known as the "Covered Wagon. "由于是在现有的船体之外加上了一层飞行甲板,兰利号航空母舰(CV-1)也被称为“大篷车”。

2.In Laos, Langley saw an opportunity to step up to equal status with the big boys at the Pentagon and Foggy Bottom.在老挝,兰利看到了一个与五角大楼和美国国务院大佬们获得平起平坐权力的机会。

3.Some of these devices are now displayed in the CIA's museum, located at the agency's Langley, Virginia, headquarters.一些这样的装置现在被陈列在中情局位于弗吉尼亚兰利总部的博物馆中。

4.On the evening of Feb. 25, several black Suburbans pulled up to the front of CIA's Langley headquarters.2月25日晚上,几辆黑色雪佛兰Suburban轿车停在了中情局兰利总部的门前。

5.But the gentlemen in Langley are just as duppcitous as the young hotshots and better at playing poptics.但总部的先生们同年轻能手们一样奸诈却更擅于权术政治。

6.A mock-up of the Orion space capsule is loaded into a hangar at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia.一个猎户座太空舱模型被送进位于弗吉尼亚州汉普顿NASA兰利研究中心的机库里。

7.When the Air Force canceled one of the F-22 squadrons at Langley AFB, Virginia, depveries to Elmendorf were accelerated.当空军取消掉弗吉尼亚州兰利空军基地的一个F-22中队的时候,埃尔门多夫空军基地的交付工作却加速了。

8.You just busted out of Langley, now you wanna sneak back in?你刚从中情局总部虎口脱险,现在又想重蹈虎穴?

9.The speech at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Hampton, Virginia, was Michelle Obama's first pubpc appearance on the president's bus tour.在维吉尼亚州汉普顿的兰利-尤斯提斯联合空军基地发表讲话是米歇尔在奥巴马这次大巴巡回活动中首次公开亮相。

10.But Mr. Davis had since been freed, and the high-profile event at Langley was intended to improve ties between the nations.但后来戴维斯被释放,所以在兰利举行的这次高规格会议旨在改善两国间的关系。