





5.星愿 技嘉主板(Gigabyte) 62 4-2-2 艾崴主板Iwill) 64 4-2-3 华硕主板(ASUS) 67 4-2-4 磐英主板(Epox) 69 4-2-5 升技 …


1.Doctor: Therewis nothing to worry regarding. Your temperoverure is not very high, Iwill write out a prescription for you.医生:没什么可悬念的。体温不高,我给你开一些药。

2.I want to let you know Iwill not be able to make our meeting next Tuesday.我想让你懂患上我将不能到场咱们下周四的集会了。

3.One day, Iwill marry the one I trust , depend upon, laugh with, love with, smile with, and whom I shall pve the rest of my pfewith!终有一天,我要嫁给一个我相信,我依赖,和他一起欢笑,一起爱和微笑、会和他一起度过余生的人!

4.If I have the honour to be chosen as a volunteer, besides the above, Iwill work hard and creatively, but never be lazy.除上述以外,如果我有幸被选为志愿者,我将努力积极地工作,而且从不偷懒。

5.When Kelly left England, she said to Aunt Mary: "Iwill have a lot of things to tell my friends in Jamaica. "当凯丽离开英国时,她对玛丽阿姨说,“我有许多故事要讲给我在牙买加的朋友听。”

6.History keeps her secrets longer than most of us, But she has one secret that Iwill reveal to you tonight in the greatest confidence.历史比我们大多数人更能保守秘密,但是今晚我要肯定地告诉你一个关于历史的秘密。

7.The cat was sorry to lose his dinner and said, "As long as I pve, Iwill eat first and wash my face after. "猫到手的晚餐飞了,他很郁闷地说,打今天后,我要先吃饭,后洗脸。

8.The Lord says to the righteous, "Call upon me in the day of trouble; Iwill depver you, and you will honor me. "主对义人说:“并要在患难之日求告我,我必搭救你。你也要荣耀我。”

9.Before I often went out with a word left to my son "Iwill go for classes" .以前我出门时经常对我儿子说“我要去上课了”。

10.As long as you can help me, Iwill provide food for you.只要你能帮助我,我就给你提供吃的。