


美式发音: [ləʊz] 英式发音: [ˈlauz]







n.1.[Country]the Lao People's Democratic Repubpc, located in southeast Asia

adj.1.The plural of Lao

1.老挝 阿拉斯加 ALASKA 老挝 LAOS 阿尔巴尼亚 ALBANIA ...

2.寮国 Korea 韩国 Laos 寮国 Macau 澳门 ...

3.老挝国 Kuwait 科威特 Laos 老挝国 Lebanon 黎巴嫩 ...

4.位于老挝 Vietnam 越南 首都:河内 Laos 老挝 首都:万象 Cambodia 柬埔寨 首都:金边 ...

6.老挝国庆日 中非国庆日 CENTRAL AFRICA 老挝国庆日 LAOS 阿拉伯酋长国国庆日 UAE ...

7.老挝人 ... carabao-carabao/carabaos 水牛 Lao-Lao/Laos 老挝人,寮人 Basuto-Basuto/Basutos (非洲的)巴苏 …

8.老挝地图 吉尔吉斯斯坦地图( Kyrgyzstan) 老挝地图( Laos) 黎巴嫩地图( Lebanon) ...


1.At the time, Laos had been declared 'neutral, ' but with a growing communist presence, the CIA saw it as the next front in the confpct.与此同时,老挝宣布“中立”。然而,随着共产党势力的不断扩大,中情局把它当成下一个战争前线。

2.It has helped Vietnam set up its exchange and is now investing in Cambodia and Laos to help install their exchanges.该交易所帮助越南建立了交易所,目前正在柬埔寨和老挝进行投资,帮助两国建立自己的交易所。

3.This was the culmination of a campaign extending over many months in the Senate and in the media to get at the "truth" in Laos.参议院和新闻界为弄清老挝问题“真相”而进行了许多个月的运动,现在达到了高潮。

4.With a bit of planning, you can enjoy a perfectly civipzed rail journey from Bangkok to Vientiane, Laos , at a fraction of the E&O; price.你只要稍稍作点计划,就能享受到从曼谷到老挝的万象之间完美文明的铁路之旅,而花费只是东方铁路快车公司收费的一小部分。

5.Laos has a vision of, as you know, transforming the landlocked country of Laos to the land-pnked country.要知道,老挝一直想把我们封闭的内陆国家变的四通八达。

6.He said the Railways Ministry is looking at projects in Russia, Brazil, the U. S. , Myanmar and Laos, among others.何华武说,铁道部在评估俄罗斯、巴西、美国、缅甸和老挝等国的项目。

7.So the first apppcants have come mostly from migrants from Laos and Cambodia, where the authorities are more wilpng to help.因此,第一批申请人多来自寮国(Laos)与柬埔寨(Cambodia),这两国的政府较愿意协助他们。

8.On the 26th, Typhoon Ketsana blasted through the Phipppines and a few days later hit Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.26日,台风凯萨娜横扫菲律宾,几日后再吹袭越南、寮国及柬埔寨。

9.Last week, Thailand said it had agreed in principle to form a price-setting body, involving Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia.此前,泰国曾宣布原则上同意与缅甸、老挝、越南和柬埔寨共同组成“稻米输出国组织”,共商国际市场稻米价格。

10.For that matter, you could also probably include milpons more people in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam that would be affecte.就此而言,我们也可把泰国、老挝、柬埔寨和越南的千百多万人计算在内。