


美式发音: 英式发音: [lɑ:]


网络释义:液氩;迟发型哮喘反应(late asthmatic response);Location-aided routing

复数:lares  复数:lars  



n.1.in ancient Rome, a protective god or a statue of a protective god in a household


1.液氩器节点的位置信息作为路由路径的参考依据,主要代表有LARLocation-Aided Routing)、GAF(Geographical Adaptive Fid…

4.家庭守护神拉尔是古罗马家庭守护神拉尔Lar)的后代。Burak(布拉卡)   阿拉伯先知、伊斯兰教创立者穆罕默德的战马,拥有人的面孔和声 …


1.As the sapnity from Lar's tear drops soaked into the ground, he knew that he would not!随着拉尔斯咸咸的泪水浸湿地面,他知道德里克不会醒来啦!

2.larva n. pl. lar. vae; The newly hatched, wingless, often wormpke form of many insects before metamorphosis.幼虫许多昆虫在变形前的,刚孵化出来的,没有翅膀的,通常象蛆虫般的形状

3.The paper describes the principle, process and major operating points of the LAr refrigeration capacity recovery apparatus.文章主要介绍液氩冷量回收装置的原理、流程及操作要点。

4.A construction method and an encoder design scheme for layered approx regular low-density-parity-check (LAR-LDPC) codes were proposed.提出一种分层近似规则(LAR)LDPC码的构造方法及其编码器的设计方案。

5.Me: no lar, I think I will still consider NTU as one option for university, and I heard you are going to credit our diploma.我:没有拉,我想我还是会考虑南洋理工的。并且我听说你们将要评估我们的文凭。

6.LAR is increased by the increasing nitrogen level in high ratio of top dressing ratio at tuber initiation stage.叶面积比率LAR在块茎形成期,高追肥比例时,随氮肥水平(A)提高而提高。

7.Lar Pwel, who has consistently refused to accept BGF, have been threatened by the Burmese Army.苏拉培上校所部,一直拒绝接受改编成边境自卫队,已不断受到缅军威胁。

8.The Parametric Measurement of Blood Flow of Vertebral Artery and Basi lar Artery and Its Significance椎基底动脉血流参数的测定及意义

9.Simulation Technology of Fluid Flow And Heat Transfer in Lar ge Heat Exchanger with Longitudinal Flow of Shellside大型纵流壳程换热器三维流动与传热数值模拟

10.Improvement of Urban Thermal Environment by Ecological Measures of So lar Control for Buildings采用生态建筑隔热措施,改善城市热环境