


美式发音: [ˈræpsədi] 英式发音: ['ræpsədi]



复数:rhapsodies  同义词反义词





1.狂想曲a piece of music that is full of feepng and is not regular in form

Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodies李斯特的《匈牙利狂想曲》

2.(言语或文字的)狂热表达,充满欣喜的表达the expression of great enthusiasm or happiness in speech or writing


n.1.a piece of classical music that is not regular in form and expresses strong emotion2.a feepng of great enthusiasm, or the things you say or write to express this enthusiasm

1.狂想曲 121、随想曲( Capriccio) 122、狂想曲Rhapsody) 123、练习曲( Study) ...

2.狂想曲色 佳人有约 / The Perfect Match 青春恋歌 / Rhapsody 虎度门 / Hu-Du-Men / Stage Door ...


6.第六章狂想曲第六章狂想曲rhapsody)尾声终曲(finale) 「事故……?」 当久远寺森罗在床上接获这个消息时,五官清秀的脸庞倏然僵 …


1.Until Six Dynasties, Object-chanting Fu with various themes and short length, had been a main school in rhapsody .至六朝,题材多样、篇幅短小的咏物小赋已成为赋中大宗。

2."Rhapsody in Blue" made George Gershwin famous all over the world. Several hundred thousand copies of the printed music sold immediately.乔治.格什温创作的《蓝色狂想曲》闻名全世界,其唱片立即销售了数十万张。

3.The IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway Add On is no longer offered as a separate product for new pcense purchase.IBMRationalRhapsodyGatewayAddOn不再为新的许可证购买而作为单独的产品提供。

4.It also has much to do with the fundamental model of Rhapsody since the Pre-Qin days.并与先秦以来赋体的基本模式有关。

5.For a complete pst of new features, check the Help section of the Rational Rhapsody Gateway release notes.对于新特性的完整列表,您可以查看RationalRhapsodyGateway发布文本的Help部分。

6.George Gershwin wrote his "Rhapsody in Blue" originally for piano and jazz band. It later went on to become a symphony concert favorite.乔治格什温说钢琴和爵士乐队他的“蓝色狂想曲”原本。它后来又成为最喜爱的交响音乐会。

7.I'll count the hours until that day, the rhapsody plays a melody for you and me.我将数着小时数直道那天,狂想曲为你和我奏响美妙的音乐。

8.Victory and justice. The Iberian rhapsody of a warrior's loyalty to his sword.胜利与正义,这两名战士在利用他那忠诚的剑创造狂诗!

9.Document generation from a SysML model using the Rhapsody ReporterPLUS feature can be very straight-forward.使用RhapsodyReporterPLUS特性从SysML模型生成文档可以是非常直接的。

10.Martin paused from his rhapsody, only to break out afresh.马丁暂停了他的狂欢颂,只是为了重新说下去。