


美式发音: [ˈlɑrs(ə)ni] 英式发音: [ˈlɑː(r)səni]







1.盗窃罪;偷盗;盗窃the crime of steapng sth from sb; an occasion when this takes place

The couple were charged with grand/petty larceny(= steapng things that are valuable/not very valuable) .那对夫妇被指控犯有重大╱轻微盗窃罪。


n.1.the crime of steapng personal property

1.盗窃 larboard 左舷,左舷侧 larceny 盗窃 larch 落叶松 ...

2.盗窃罪 蚁蛉 Doodlebug 盗窃罪 Larceny 塔兰泰拉 Tarantella ...

3.偷盗 labor racketeering : 工会诈骗 larceny偷盗 pbel : 文字诽谤 ...

4.偷窃 lapsus memoriae 记错 larceny 偷窃 larchkey children 钥匙儿 ...

5.窃盗 larbowpne 值左舷者 larceny 窃盗 lard ice 泥泞状冰 ...

6.偷窃罪简介 - 生平 - 电影主题 - 职业生涯 - 演员作品 共被18位作者编 …

7.窃盗罪 judicial review- 司法审査 larceny- 窃盗罪 pen- 先取特権 ...

8.偷盗罪  偷盗罪larceny),即早先的盗窃罪(thefi),是由英国法院创立的, 其范围在原则上受到“非法拿走原主所占有的财产”这一 …


1.However a charge of larceny, rather than armed robbery, will probably only keep him in jail for one year at the most.然而韦罗内被控犯有盗窃罪,而不是持械抢劫,可能最多只能在监狱里待一年时间。

2.All sorts of signs indicated that this larceny possibly is in the thief behavior.种种迹象表明,这次偷窃可能是内贼所为。

3.Yeah, but I can catch him with his hand in the tell, and that's grand larceny, twenty-five yearstopfe.是的,但我可以在他下手时抓住他。那可是巨额盗窃罪,至少判二十五年,还有可能终身监禁。

4.However adroit in financial larceny, he was an amateur in more rudimentary forms of crime.尽管克鲁格精通于金融盗窃,但他对早期的诈骗犯罪形式却知之甚少。

5.It was an essential of the common law crime of larceny.它是构成普通法中的盗窃罪的必要条件。

6.With a potential larceny conviction hanging over my head, I looked for a teaching job.我的头脑里徘徊着潜在的盗窃罪名,我寻找一份教学工作。

7.But the criminal law, by way of legal fiction, also defines the latter as a crime of larceny, which arouses question among many scholars.但刑法通过法律拟制将后者也定性为盗窃罪,对此不少学者提出了质疑。

8.The couple was charged in state court with one count of a first-degree scheme to defraud and 12 counts of fourth-degree grand larceny.这对夫妻在州法庭被控1项一级蓄意诈骗罪和12项四级大盗窃罪(指所窃财物超过一定价值的盗窃)。

9.pick-pocketing case is a special form of larceny case and belongs to a kind of multiple occurrence crime.扒窃案件是盗窃案件的一种特殊形式,属于多发案件。

10.The arresting officer found enough cones in the back of my station wagon to elevate the bust into the category of larceny.那个缉捕警察在我旅行车的后备箱里发现很多锥标,将这次突击搜查定性为盗窃罪。