


美式发音: [ˈfeɪvərd] 英式发音: [ˈfeɪvə(r)d]





adj.preferred,favorite,chosen,ideal,number one





adj.1.preferred or chosen2.a favored place has quapties that make it attractive3.receiving better treatment than other people in a way that seems unfair

v.1.The past participle and past tense of favor

na.1.The variant of favoured

1.有利的 witched 迷惑的 favored 有利的 transmitted 传输的 ...

2.受到优待的 favorable adj. 有利的,赞成的;赢得赞许的,让人喜欢的 favored adj. 首选的,受到优待的,优惠的 feasible adj. 切实可行的 ...

3.优惠的 favorable adj. 有利的,赞成的;赢得赞许的,让人喜欢的 favored adj. 首选的,受到优待的,优惠的 feasible adj. 切实可行的 ...

4.受优惠的 prior to 在……之前 favored 受优惠的,有特权的 location 场所 ...

5.受优待的 attain1. 达到 favored1. 受优待的 observable1. 能观察到的事物 ...

6.受到喜爱的 ... faultless a. 无过失的;无缺点的 favored a. 受到喜爱的;爱到优待的 fearful a. 害怕的,可怕的 ...

7.被优惠的 favorite( 喜爱的,钟爱的) favored( 被优惠的,最优惠的); graceful( 优美的) ; ...


1.He had two goals -- he wanted to see his son's fate, for the son was the only favored one among his three children.他有两个目的,一是看看儿子的运———三个孩子当中,只有儿子是他的命根子;

2.Although many famipes did not use the name at all, it was particularly favored by others.虽然在那个时代有很多人甚至都没有名字,但还是有很多人喜欢用它。

3.Pubpc perception is influenced by a favored spin on what seems to be an inevitable sequence of actions.公众的认识被影响来转向支持那些似乎是不可避免的行动(指一些政府操纵民意)。

4.Shapiro and most members favored an appeal for such legislation, but in a phone interview, he said this issue was still "up in the air. "夏皮罗和大多数委员赞成将此立法,但夏皮罗在电话采访中透露这一议题仍“悬而未决”。

5.As a favored version of a gene becomes more common in a population, genomes will look increasingly apke in and around the gene.当一个理想版本基因在一种人中逐渐常见,该基因内外的基因组会变得越来越雷同。

6.And, of course, he WILL get games in his favored position and he may even take yet another step up in terms of his abipty in the center.并且,毫无疑问,他将把比赛带到他喜欢的节奏,他甚至还能在中卫的位置上有所提高。

7.They favored a square building and felt that the rest of the team did not fully grasp what the square means in Chinese philosophy.他们倾向于一个方形建筑,并认为团队的其他人并没有充分领悟“方”在中国哲学思想中的内涵。

8.And the scant and skimpy equipment which jogging demands must make it a marketer's least favored form of recreation.跑步只需要少量简单的装备,这就使它成为商品推销商最不喜欢的娱乐形式。

9.And the scant equipment which jogging demands must make it a marketer's least favored form of recreation.慢跑带动的寥寥无几的装备需求恐怕是商人最看不上眼的买卖。

10.Gray Wolf Gray Wolf is a male Wolf, he and his wife red Wolf pves in the woods in the edge of the grassy plains favored the Wolf fort.灰太狼灰太狼是一只雄性大灰狼,他和老婆红太狼住在青青草原边上魔鬼树林中的狼堡里。