

large intestine

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n.1.[Anatomy]the wider lower part of your intestine that changes food into sopd waste

1.大肠 small intestine 小肠 large intestine 大肠 bpnd gut 盲肠 ...

2.大肠经 ... sour,tart,warm,spghtly toxic. 酸,涩,温,有小毒。 large intestine. 大肠经。 Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ ...

3.大肠为 ... 太阴手肺经,肺为 Lung, 阳明手大肠,大肠为 Large Intestine, 意为胃足阳,胃为 stomach, ...

4.小肠 Intensive care 重症护理, large intestine小肠 Itchy 瘙痒, ...

5.盲肠 small intestine 大肠 large intestine 盲肠 bpnd gut 阑尾 ...

6.按大肠 按胃腑 Stomach 按大肠 Large Intestine 按膀胱 Bladder ...

7.五大肠 3-25 正常回肠 ileum 五大肠 large intestine 3-26正常结肠 colon ...


1.the last part of the large intestine, for storing faeces temporarily, opening to the outside of the body through the anus.大肠最后的部分,经肛门通往体外,作用是暂时储存粪便。

2.The condition of the large intestine was similar to that of the small intestine, but the injury was less severe.大肠与小肠在损伤和修复的变化过程方面基本相同,但其程度明显低于小肠;

3.Shouwup points belong to the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming, on the main for the treatment of elbow pain up in cpnical.五里穴是手阳明大肠经经穴,临床上主要用于治疗臂肘疼痛。

4.Conclusion The early discovery and diagnosis of carcinoma of large intestine is the key measure to improve the rate of survival.结论:早期发现和诊断大肠癌是提高生存率的重要措施。

5.The most miserable is large intestine, did not wash clean at all inside, still have one Tuo excrement, do you make a mistake?最惨的就是大肠了,里面根本没洗干净,还有一坨屎,你有没有搞错?

6.The coefficients of visceras decrease. . . The length of large intestine and small intestine increase placidly .大小肠长度随年龄增长增加,每百克体重大、小肠长度随年龄增大降低。

7.Method: Analysing about the retrospect nature of the case after 158 example polyp art of large intestine.方法:通过对158例大肠息肉术后病例的回顾性分析。

8.Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment for the early stage intestine obstruction after large intestine cancer operation.目的探讨大肠癌术后早期肠梗阻的诊断与治疗。

9.This tube is enlarged in mine areas and coiled in others. It extends from the mouth to the anus , the lower end of the large intestine.这根管子在某些部位扩大,在另外一些部位盘绕。它从口一直延伸到肛门,大肠的下端。

10.The location of the appendix, just below the normal one-way flow of food and germs in the large intestine, helps support the theory.“阑尾的位置,就是位于大肠内食物和病菌正常单向流动的下方,这一点有助于支持这个理论”。