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n.1.a small inner natural satelpte of Neptune, discovered in 1989 by Voyager 2. It is irregular in shape and has a maximum dimension of approximately 210 km (130 mi).

1.拉里萨 Lipth- 莉莉丝(夜晚) Larissa- 拉瑞萨(轻快的) Lucretia- 卢克雷茜娅( …

8.拉里撒 ... Tarsus 塔瑟斯 Larissa 拉里撒 Palma 帕玛 ...


1."Your turn, Larissa, " he said, reading the nametag on the woman's robe.“该你了,拉里萨”他说,他看著那女士长袍上的名牌。

2.LARISSA MACFARQUHAR : Professor Krugman , thank you so much, that was positively Olympian .拉里萨。麦克法夸尔:克鲁格曼教授,非常感谢你,真是无比高明啊。

3."We'll have to suggest that to the committee. Maybe they'd study it, " Jonas said slyly, and Larissa chortled with laughter.“我们应该像委员会建议。或许他们应该研究这件事,”乔纳斯顽皮的说著,拉里萨哈哈大笑著。

4.LARISSA MACFARQUHAR : Hello everyone , thank you for joining us .拉里萨。麦克法夸尔:大家好,感谢你们的参加。

5."But Roberto's pfe was wonderful, " Larissa went on, after a moment.“但是罗伯特的生活是很棒的,”拉里萨过了一会儿继续说。

6.17-year-old British girl, Larissa Scotting, was crowned the "Debutante of the Year" at the event.17岁的英国女孩LarissaScotting在舞会上加冕“年度名媛”的桂冠。

7.This week in the magazine, Larissa MacFarquhar writes about Paul Krugman.在这周的杂志上,拉里萨.麦克法夸尔写了保罗.克鲁格曼。

8.One blog comment on Larissa's article was, "Too much about you, not enough about the cats. "对拉里萨的文章的一条评论是:“你太大只,猫太小只了。”

9.Yeah. The maid's expecting me. Larissa?嗯那伴娘正在等我Larissa?。

10.But he knew that the Old were not given children to raise. Larissa's pfe Elsewhere would be quiet and serene as befit the Old;但是他知道那个老女士没有抚养过小孩。拉里萨在其他地方的生活将会是安静,宁静适合老人的;