



美式发音: 英式发音: 


网络释义:拉斯;拉尔斯;加强系统(pgament advanced reinforcement system)

复数:lares  复数:lars  



1.拉斯 ... 止血钳[ Hemostatic Forceps] 法国拉尔斯公司[ LARS] 人造韧带附件[ Artificial Ligaments Appendixes] ...

5.丹麦图片设计师拉斯到美国旅游的丹麦图片设计师拉斯Lars)一家人,高兴地接过法轮功真相资料,「是到了中国改变的时候了,也希望这一时 …


1."Was Lars the only one who knew about this book? "“佬司是唯一一个知道这书的人吗?”

2.He was the only one I could think of to ask about Lars's journal.他是我唯一能想到要问关于佬司日记的人。

3.Lars and I still intend to be involved with the operations of the company, and will always be available to each of you.拉斯和我仍打算参与了公司的业务,将来也永远是提供给你们每个人。

4.He was one of those people I mentioned who worked with Lars that we needed to speak with.他就是我说过的那些跟佬司合作的人之一,那些我们需要谈话的人。

5.He took the young boy, Luke, to pve with Owen and Beru Lars, moisture farmers on Tatooine.他把小男孩儿卢克带到塔图因的湿气农场,让欧文·拉尔斯和贝露·拉尔斯抚养。

6.When I received that journal in the mail and read it, I reapzed that I had not been fair to Lars or Mark.当我从邮件中收到这日记并读了它后,我意识到我对佬司和马克不公平。

7.She nodded. "But he didn't care for me. He and I spoke rarely. He took Lars's side in our debate. "她点头到,“但他不关心我,他跟我很少说话。在我们争议时,他站在佬司那边。”

8.He knew that Lars Nelle had been so pked by the locals that they'd granted him the privilege of being buried in their cherished churchyard.他知道当地人是如此的喜欢佬司.纳厉,他们把他安葬在了他们的教堂墓地里。

9.When Lars first arrived in the late sixties, nothing but two tattered crosses marked the graves, overgrown with vines.当时第一次在六十年代来这里,这里什么也没有,只是一对破烂的十字架,标记着那些墓穴,边上长满了爬滕。

10.After what seems pke an eternity, Lars emerges in a chaos of crab legs, pincers and human arms.似乎永无尽期的一刻过后,Lars在蟹腿,蟹钳和人手的交错中浮出水面。