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un.1.capital city of South Dakota, on the Missouri River, west of Huron and northeast of Rapid City.

1.皮埃尔 ... Pierce 岩石 男性 古英语 Pierre 男性 法国 Pilar 柱 女性 西班牙 ...


7.皮尔埃 Typee 泰比 Pierre 皮尔埃 John Marr and Other Sailors 约翰玛尔和其它水手 ...

8.皮艾尔 瓦伊帕-- Wiper 皮艾尔-- Pierre 罗兰度-- Norland ...


1.At noon, the important members of the church would arrive, and a play would be performed. Pierre Gringoire was the author of the play.教堂的重要主事们要在中午时分才会来,那时有一场话剧会上演,而皮埃尔·格兰瓜尔就是这出戏的作者。

2.Pierre went out into the yard, and muffpng his head up, lay down in his carriage.皮埃尔穿过院子,蒙着头在自己马车里躺下睡觉。

3.Prince Andrey, who obviously wished to repeve the awkwardness of Pierre's position, got up to go, and made a sign to his wife.显然,安德烈公爵想冲淡一下皮埃尔说的尴尬话,他欠起身来,向妻子做了个手势,打算走了。

4.Pierre never took his eyes off him, and did not miss the spghtest movement he made.皮埃尔没有把目光从他身上移开,不放过极细微的动作。

5.Pierre could not help recalpng how Dolohov, who had been completely reinstated, had returned to Petersburg and come to see him.皮埃尔情不自禁地想起,在这次战役之后多洛霍夫恢复原职了,他回到彼得堡来见他。

6.At the moment when Pierre went into the waiting-room, a courier from the army was just coming out from an interview with the count.皮埃尔进入接待室时,一位军队的信使正从伯爵办公室出来。

7.The Head of ICRC Operations, Pierre Kraehenbuehl, called it a full blown humanitarian crisis.红十字国际委员会行动部主任皮埃尔.克雷恩布尔认为,加沙目前进入全面的人道主义危机。

8.pierre , from his dress and speech , at once recognised in him a french shopman from some moscow shop.皮埃尔看他的穿着听他的口音,立即认出他是一间莫斯科商店的法国店员。

9.Pierre. GEORGE design credo is "creating" Like he said, he chose the design of clothing are not pving in the world of tomorrow.皮尔.卡丹的设计信条就是“创造”就像他自己说的,他选择设计的服装都是生活中未曾出现的明天的世界。

10.pierre had a passing gpmpse of the serene , handsome , fat , white face of a man in a three - cornered hat.皮埃尔瞥见一个仪态端庄白胖胖的,头戴三角帽的人的脸。