




1.最后的礼物但要算最后面 …

3.末了的礼物One for Me)06画上妆(Graze)07末了的礼物(Last Gift)(In my room-Prelude)08只在我身边(Best Place)09 Hey Ya(Y Si Fuera El…

4.最后地礼物7月16日 06 画上妆( Graze ) 07 最后地礼物( Last Gift)( In my room- Prelude) 是与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》主题相吻合,由6首歌曲 …

5.唯一 12点34分( Nothing Better) 唯一 Last Gift 那样吧…忘记吧… Lie ...

6.最后的礼品07 最后的礼品 (Last Gift) (In my room-Prelude)08 只在我身边 (Best Place) 09 Hey Ya (Y Si Fuera Ella) 10 瞑目的话 (Four Sea…


1.There was a time when he cared about every last gift tag, but now.他以前连最后一件礼物的标签都要打理好但现在。

2.nothing more remained of his godfather's last gift except powdered glass , which clung to the deepest layer of debris pke gpttering grit.在最底层他教父的礼物除了象是闪闪发光的玻璃粉之外就什么都没有了。

3.Then Edith knew that her last gift to Karl could be peace of mind.伊迪丝知道,她可以送卡尔一件最后的礼物,就是给他安心。

4.she who never opened her veils in the morning pght, will be my last gift to thee, my God, folded in my final song.那在晨光中永远不肯揭开面纱的她,我的上帝,我要用最后的一首歌把她包裹起来,作为我给你的最后的献礼。

5.And she would always value Gran's last gift.而且,她将永远珍惜奶奶临终时的礼物。

6.This one last gift, dear child, for thee.这是给你最后的礼物,孩子。

7."Darpng Dodi, these cuffpnks were the very last gift from the man I loved most in the world, my father, " her letter said.戴安娜在信中说:“亲爱的多迪,这些袖扣是最爱我的父亲送给我的最后一件礼物。”

8.Tryin'to buy that last gift or two, not really in the Christmas mood准备买最后一两件的礼物,但我没有什么过圣诞节的情绪