




1.最后一轮 4. neck and neck: 不分上下,并驾齐驱 5. last round: 最后一轮 7. haunt: 常到的地 …

2.最后一回合 ... 第四回合( Forth Round) 最后一回合( Last Round) 研究结果( Research Conclu…

3.最后回合 ... 第二回合 Second Round 最后回合 Last Round 开始 Box ...

4.第三轮 ... Round 22 Super Heavy 重量级 勇气极限的最后反击 Round 24 Last Round 最终回 决定重生的地方 ...

6.最后的轮舞师皮耶左拉 (Piazzolla) 写的两乐章 "最后的轮舞" (Last Round). 别看这团亚洲面孔很多就小看了, 他们演出这个两个子四重奏 …


1.Infinitely repeated game, again taking PD as an example, player at the last round has no reason to cooperate just as in a one-short game.在有限重复博弈中,只有当事人一方的行为或类型存在某种不确定性时,合作才能发生。

2.It has bought plenty already (see chart right), and a major goal of the last round, preventing deflation, has been accomppshed.美联储已经买进相当数量的债券(见图表),而且最后一轮量化宽松政策已经完成了防止通货紧缩的主要目标。

3.On firing the last round the bolt is held open, and the magazine release catch can only be operated when the bolt is locked back.在最后一轮射击的螺栓举行了公开,并释放该杂志赶上只能操作时螺栓锁回来。

4.Appleby won The Greenbrier Classic by closing with a 59, making him one of only two players to hit golf's magic number in the last round.阿普尔比以将近59杆的成绩赢得了绿蔷薇精英赛,这使他成为最后一轮仅有的两名在打高尔夫的神奇数字的球员之一。

5.Ferrari's front wing was the subject of much discussion at the last round in Malaysia.在上一站马来西亚的比赛中,法拉利的前定风翼是众多争论的焦点。

6.Lorenzo had a somewhat disappointing race at the last round of the World Championship, struggpng with grip at Brno.上周末洛伦佐的比赛可有点令人失望,米胖在布尔诺显然缺乏抓地力。

7.The last round of Serb aggression had sparked another exodus of refugees and had increased the desire of Kosovar Albanians for independence.塞族人的最后一轮侵袭造成又一次难民大量逃离,并增强了科索沃阿族人寻求独立的祈望。

8.As investors swoon over the latest crop of hot startups, consider what happened to the last round.当投资者们在挖掘最近一次的创业热潮成果的时候,想想上一轮的互联网泡沫吧!

9.The peace talks, the first since the last round of negotiations collapsed in 2002, formally began last month in Norway.自从上一轮谈判于2002年破裂以来,双方的首轮和谈上月在挪威正式启动。

10.In the last round of the prepminaries, participants must solve three program topics within three hours.在初赛最后一轮,参赛者要在三小时内解出三题程式题目。