


美式发音: [ˈlɔdəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈlɔːdəb(ə)l]








1.应受赞扬的;值得赞美的deserving to be praised or admired, even if not really successful

a laudable aim/attempt值得称赞的志向╱尝试


adj.1.deserving to be praised or admired

1.值得称赞的 lateral 侧面的;旁边的 laudable 值得称赞的 laundry 洗衣店,要洗的东西 ...

2.值得赞美的 latitude 纬度;自由 laudable 值得赞美的 laudatory 表示赞美的,褒扬的 ...

3.值得赞赏的 legendary 非凡的 不一般的 laudable 优秀的 值得赞赏的 lettered 博学的 ...

4.可赞誉的 irritating 恼人的 laudable 可赞誉的 legitimate 合法的 ...

5.值得佩服的 ... reprimand v. 严斥,申戒,谴责 laudable a. 值得称赞的,值得佩服的 refrain from doing sth. 戒除做某事 ...

6.值得赞扬的 L:leading 最重要的 L:laudable 值得赞扬的 A:active 活跃的 ...


1.Spreading democracy around the world is no magic bullet, even if it is a laudable long-term goal.在全球散播民主并不是什么灵丹妙药,尽管从长远目标看它是值得称赞的。

2.It is laudable as well that Lee has decided to donate the prize money to help nurture Taiwan's budding filmmakers.另外值得称赞的是,李安决定将奖金捐出,来协助培养台湾新锐导演。

3.You'd have to be some kind of cynic or misanthrope to object to such a laudable goal.你得有点愤世嫉俗或厌恶人类才会反对这个值得赞赏的目标。

4.A laudable, noble sentiment. But impractical, unless the father will marry you and give the child a name.值得赞美而崇高的感情。但是,不实际呀,除非你父亲让你结婚而且给孩子取一个名字。

5.Indeed, it is pkely that the laudable extension of insurance coverage now makes it more important to tackle the question of costs.的确,保险覆盖面扩大值得称赞,它可能会凸显解决开支问题的重要性。

6.Nonetheless, his attempt to reach out to Nigerians directly is laudable.尽管如此,他尝试直接接触民众是值得称道的。

7.Many nominees appear to have been excluded for laudable reasons: their backgrounds as warlords or suspicions of corruption and incompetence.很多提名者都因冠冕堂皇的理由而被拒之门外,这些理由包括:拥有军阀的背景,有腐败的嫌疑或是能力不够。

8.Walking for walking's sake may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who practise it.正如惯常散步者所认为的那样,为散步而散步可能是一件值得高度称赞和效法的事情。

9.well , madame , it will be a laudable action on your part , and i will thank you for it !嗯,夫人,这将对你一个值得赞美的行动,我向你表示感谢。

10.Spencer bepeved that individual freedom was the most laudable goal in society, and he sought to protect it from infringement by others.史宾赛相信个人的自由是社会上最值得称赞的目标,而他试图保护它免受其他人的侵犯。