




1.汇编语言senbly Lauguage):用助记符来编写 汇编语言( Lauguage): 指令,地址和数据也可用符号表示. 指令,地址和数据也可用符号表示. …


1.But last week the tow dealmarks actually seemed to speaking the same lauguage and perceive the same future.但是上周,两位好像达成共识并且在今后也会一样。

2.What's more(what else), the feepngs and the lauguage style of the text.还有,本文的感情和语言风格。

3.Tears are the silent lauguage of grief!眼泪是悲伤无声的言辞!

4.That is why we are talking about the learning of Engpsh lauguage and the teaching of the language as well.(这也是为什么我们在这里谈论英语学习和教学)。

5.Introduce, practice, and act out key lauguage.单词介绍,练习,掌握关键词。

6.Lauguage has been the object of philosophical research.语言则成为哲学研究的最主要对象。

7.We gain encouraged to read more by Mr Li when we learn a foreign lauguage.李老师一直鼓励我们学外语要多读。

8.Jane learned sign lauguage so she could communicate with her sister who is hearing impaired.珍学手语以便跟她失聪的姐姐可以沟通。

9.It is not easy for us to learn a foreign lauguage.对我们来说学习一门外语不容易

10.Study on the Objective System and Influencing Factors of Dual-lauguage Teaching of International Business Specialty国际贸易专业双语教学的目标体系及影响因素研究