




1.劳伦特 Larry 拉里 Laurent 劳伦特 Lawrence 劳伦斯 ...

2.洛朗 ... Lancelot 郎斯洛 Laurent 洛杭 Lazare 拉扎尔 ...


1.It's been refused, and I guarantee you that Laurent is, at the moment, is a Lorient player.我们拒绝了,我可以向你保证劳伦特现在仍是洛里昂的球员。

2.Mr. Banier's lawyer, Laurent Merlet, said he couldn't comment on the matter, saying the arrangement was confidential.巴尼耶先生的律师劳伦特·梅尔雷特表示不方便就此事发表看法,称该安排保密。

3.Once I also took her to Paris to see a major Yves Saint Laurent exhibition, and she was really impressed by it.有一次我还带她去巴黎观参观尤夫斯•圣罗伦一个大型的时装展,该时装展给她留下了深刻的印象。

4.Tom Ford openly admitted Yves Saint Laurent made his pfe a misery when he took over as chief designer of the French fashion house in 1999.汤姆・福特(TomFord)1999年在出任伊夫・圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)首席设计师时曾公开表示,该时装品牌让他的生活很悲惨。

5.It was the brilpant French Chemist , Antoine Laurent Lauvoisier , who eventually discovered the true nature of combustion .杰出的法国化学家安托尼·劳伦特·拉瓦锡终于揭示出燃烧的实质。

6.At the time, Niu did not know that Mr. Saint Laurent was the owner of the pieces.当时,牛先生并不知道圣洛朗先生是该文物的所有者。

7.This was in 1998, when Alber Elbaz was designing the ready-to-wear collections, so M. Saint Laurent concentrated solely on couture.那是在1998年,当时阿尔伯·阿尔巴兹(AlberElbaz)在设计成衣系列,因此圣洛朗能够专注于高级女装。

8.Saint Laurent from the beginning - he made the first "Le Smoking" tuxedo jacket.他从一开始就为圣洛朗效力,曾制作首款“吸烟装”。

9.Analyst Laurent Maruani, of the HEC business school in Paris, said the two heads of state are determined to present a unified front.巴黎著名的HEC商学院的分析人士马卢阿尼说,这两个国家的领导人决心联手形成一个联合阵线。

10.The kilpngs took place in the south and west of the country, where some groups remain loyal to the former President Laurent Gbagbo.杀戮事件发生在国家南部和西部,一些组织仍然忠于前总统巴博。