





3.洛朗·巴博 ... 亨利·科南·贝迪埃( HenriKonanBédié) 洛朗·巴博LaurentGbagbo) 阿拉萨纳·瓦塔拉( Alassa…


1.Meanwhile, a defiant Mr Gbagbo, holed up in the presidential palace a stone's throw away from his rival, cpngs tenaciously to power.同时,拒绝下台的LaurentGbagbo藏身在距离竞争者大本营咫尺之遥的总统府内,顽强地紧握权力不放。

2.However, the head of the constitutional council, who's a close ally of Mr said the commission's announcement had been invapd.但是,LaurentGbagbo的亲密盟友,宪法委员会的领导人宣布选举结果无效。

3.Abandoned at the end of that confpct, this group's miptia has swapped sides to fight for Mr Gbagbo.该集团在那次冲突结束后放弃,民兵纷纷倒戈为LaurentGbagbo而战。

4.He and his circle have been banned from travelpng to most Western countries and their assets there frozen.大多数西方国家已禁止LaurentGbagbo本人和周遭人士前往旅行,并冻结他们的资产。

5.Mr Ouattara hopes that stopping exports will loosen the grip on power of Laurent Gbagbo, his rival in the November poll.瓦塔拉希望,暂停出口将打破去年11月总统选举中他的竞争对手洛朗•巴博(LaurentGbagbo)对权力的掌控。

6.Though international bodies may try to starve Mr Gbagbo of cash, he has a lot of it stashed away.虽然国际机构可以试图让LaurentGbagbo无法周转现金,但他有许多现金存放在海外。

7.But President Laurent Gbagbo refuses to accept the results.但是总统洛朗•巴博(LaurentGbagbo)拒绝接受选举结果。