


网络释义:詹姆斯;勒布朗;约翰逊(Lyndon Baines Johnson)


1.詹姆斯 Kobe 科比 LBJ 詹姆斯 Wade 韦德 ...

2.勒布朗 KOBE 科比 LBJ 勒布朗 詹姆斯 LX 刘翔 ...

3.约翰逊(Lyndon Baines Johnson) KOBE 科比 LBJ 勒布朗詹姆斯 KD 凯文杜兰特 ...


6.刘宝杰东森电视知名主持人刘宝杰LBJ)所主持的「关键时刻」,节目曾播出模拟艺人Makiyo日本友人友寄隆辉殴打司机案动作,国 …

7.老北京是詹姆斯啊老北京是詹姆斯啊LBJ)匿名 2009-02-05 21:47 您已经评价过!


1.Durant is a great scorer -- maybe the best in the league -- but LBJ is one of the greatest all-around talents the NBA has ever seen.杜兰特是非常棒的得分手--或许是全联盟中最棒的--但是LBJ是联盟中至今为止最最全面的球员之一。

2.Look at how long LBJ and Nixon refused to admit the truth even at the cost of tens of thousands of American and Vietnamese casualties.我们看一下尼克松总统,面对着数以万计美国人和越南人的伤亡,依然拒绝承认事实。

3.I didn't hate LBJ; I just wanted to end the war, and I was afraid the culture clashes would undermine, not advance, the cause.我并不讨厌林登.约翰逊;我只是想让战争早点结束,我担心文化冲突会破坏而不是推进事业的进步。

4.LBJ: Soapy, I've figured out a way to effect a real economy in your department.我想出一种方法,能真正使你的部门变得精简。

5.Prior to joining WHO, Dr Lee worked for two years at the LBJ Tropical Medical Centre in American Samoa.在加入世卫组织之前,李博士在美属萨摩亚LBJ热带医学中心工作了两年。

6.She would be buried Sunday next to her husband at the LBJ ranch.星期天她将被安葬在LBJ农场他丈夫的旁边。

7.LBJ had won the election by then, and I enjoyed arguing poptics with Tom's father.那时林登。约翰逊已赢得总统大选,我很高兴地和汤姆的父亲辩论政治。

8.This is the most impressive record of any president since LBJ.这是自约翰逊总统以来最给力的记录。

9.Before he was vice president, LBJ had served for many years in the Senate and the House of Representatives.在担任副总统之前,林登·贝恩斯·约翰逊在参议院和众议院工作了很多年。

10.LBJ disappoint me ah ~ as saying the new season rox don't know how, bad luck. Repeatedly.LBJ让我失望啊~话说新赛季的火箭不知道怎么的,霉运连连。