


美式发音: [ˌel bi ˈoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌel biː ˈəʊ]

abbr.(=leveraged buyout)

网络释义:杠杆收购(Leveraged Buy-out);三硼酸锂;杠杆买断交易



abbr.1.(=leveraged buyout)

abbr.1.(=leveraged buyout)

n.1.a leveraged buyout

1.杠杆收购(Leveraged Buy-out) Labor Arbitrage 劳动套利 LBO 杠杆买断交易;借贷融资收购 Lead manager 主承销;牵头经办 …

4.借贷融资收购 Labor Arbitrage 劳动套利 LBO 杠杆买断交易;借贷融资收购 Lead manager 主承销;牵头经办 …

5.融资并购此举系属融资并购LBO)模式,财务杠杆扩大,风险亦随之增加。在这个阶段台新金董事长吴东亮个人或家族,并未拿出钱 …

6.杠杆并购四是杠杆并购(LBO),指由一家或几家公司在金融信贷支持下进行的并购。特点是并购 公司只需少量的自有资本即可进行对外 …


1.It could be structured as a leveraged buy-out, with an investor raising debt backed by German guarantees.该交易可能会被构造为一项杠杆收购(LBO),德国政府将向收购者的债务融资提供担保支持。

2.What sort of LBO is still possible?那么哪种杠杆收购是可能的呢?

3.In it, he maintained that he bought almost all his companies at valuations "below the market average of our LBO peers" .他在信中表示,他所收购的公司,其估价均“低于我们杠杆收购业务竞争对手的市场平均水平”。

4.Adding to the turmoil was an explosive increase in leveraged buyouts, or LBOs.杠杆收购(LBO)的爆炸性增长更加重了混乱局面。

5.For a detailed illustration of the mechanics of an LBO transaction, see Exhibit 2, which models a hypothetical buyout scenario.为详细说明力学的一个杠杆收购交易,见图示2,模型假设性买断的情况。

6.A top executive of a leading U. S. automobile tire company said that the LBO was "created in hell by the devil himself. "一家大型美国汽车轮胎公司的一位高管曾说,杠杆收购交易“是魔鬼在地狱亲手创造的”。

7.Having observed the beneficial impact of an LBO bid on a targeted company's share price, investors adjust.观察到杠杆收购对目标公司股价的利好影响后,投资者开始对投资策略进行调整。

8.The journey starts with the pquidation into cash of a dollar's worth of pubpc equity holdings, which is then allocated to the LBO fund.美元的行程开始于将价值1美元的公开上市股票进行的现金清算,这些现金随后被配置到杠杆收购基金;

9.funding dubious deals in the LBO frenzy and jumping into the jumbo mortgage market when other banks were getting out.在杠杆收购的狂潮中资金分配的犹豫不定和当其他银行退出时进入巨大的抵押市场。

10.In the boom years of 2006-07 nothing, it seemed, could constrain the leveraged buy-out (LBO) industry.在杠杆收购(LBO)行业蓬勃发展的2006-07年,看起来没有什么可以抑制它。