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网络释义:廉价航空公司(Low Cost Carrier);寿命周期成本(pfe cycle cost);寿命周期费用


abbr.1.London Chamber of Commerce

1.廉价航空公司(Low Cost Carrier)在廉价航空公司LCC)不断崛起的局势下,ANA提出“以‘珍惜客户的时间’为口号”,JAL也指出:“对于航空公公司来说,准点 …

2.寿命周期成本(pfe cycle cost)全寿命周期成本LCC)在变电站主设备招标采购中的研究与实践 详细»回到顶部 文档分类 我要上传 会议 社区 移动 商业工具 …

3.寿命周期费用全寿命周期费用(LCC)系指一个系统或设备在全寿命周期内,为购置它和维持其正常运行所需支付的全部费用,即产品(设备)在其寿 …

4.生命周期成本生命周期成本(LCC):指产品在整个生命周期中所有支出费用的总和,包括原料的获取,产品的使用费用等,即是指是企业生产 …


1.Secondly, we propose theformal definition of a DDC-LCC and an Ontology-classification-scheme mapping.其次,我们正式定义了DDC-LCC之间和本体-分类表之间的映射。

2.The decision to use UCC or LCC or both is not driven by XML Schema, which has distinct name spaces for elements, attributes, and types.决定是使用UCC还是LCC或者两者都使用不受XMLSchema的驱使,XMLSchema对于元素、属性以及类型有截然不同的名称空间。

3.When we describers the classifier, firstly, we explain how these Ontologies can be built in a modular fashion, and mapped into DDC and LCC.在介绍分类器的过程中,我们首先解释如何以模块化的方式构建本体,并把本体映射到DDC和LCC中。

4.The characteristics of the structural optimum design of LCC (Large Crude Oil Carrier) are summarized.综述了大型油船结构设计的特点;

5.When analysing cost using LCC method, cost factors that affect resource consumption are under consideration.在利用LCC方法分析工艺全生命周期成本的同时,还考虑了影响能源消耗的成本因素。

6.A small LCC package has been developed enabpng a mass production of detectors for compact hand held or helmet mounted cameras.研制的小型无铅芯片载体封装便于大规模生产探测器,主要用途为便携式摄像机或头盔摄像机。

7.With the advancement of technology and the engine products, LCC (Life Cycle Cost) has attached great importance to the world.随着科学技术的进步和机电产品的发展,装备全寿命周期理论已受到世界各国的高度重视。

8.LCC in incineration and melting scenarios is low due to waste heat recovery.寿命周期费用的焚烧和融化的情况是由于低废热回收。

9.Expatiate on basic thought of LCC theory in maintain manage of medical equipments.阐述了LCC理论用于医疗设备维修管理的基本思路。

10.LCC-2 FCC catalyst for more propylene was developed by PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company.中国石油兰州石化公司开发了LCC-2新型多产丙烯催化剂。