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网络释义:自由民主党(Liberal Democratic Party);标签分发协议(Label Distribution Protocol);文档管理(Linux Documentation Project)


abbr.1.Liberal Democratic Party

1.自由民主党(Liberal Democratic Party)在日本,自由民主党(LDP)及其富有民族主义色彩的党魁安倍去年12月在大选中高票胜出,其竞选承诺就是对华采取更强硬的姿 …

2.标签分发协议(Label Distribution Protocol)  标签分发协议LDP)是 MPLS体系中的一种主要协议。在 MPLS 网络中,两个标签交换路由器(LSR)必须用在它们之间或 …

3.文档管理(Linux Documentation Project)Linux documentation project(LDP) Linux文档计划 0条评论 小绿萝 回答数:924 采纳率:1% 2012-01-04 16:12 THE PROGRA…

4.分配协议6)标记分配协议LDP):即通信标记和他们在LSRs间的意义。它在边界指定标记,核心设备根据路由协议(如:OSPF,IS …

5.日本自由民主党市场预期日本自由民主党(LDP)党魁安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)将在16日的众议院选举中大胜、日本央行(BOJ)未来可能会采取更为 …


1.At least three other candidates appeared to be preparing to run for the position of LDP head and prime minister.另外至少有3人似乎准备角逐自民党总裁和首相职务。

2.The fact that, throughout the years of relative stagnation, the Japanese kept electing the LDP puzzled many outsiders.令许多局外人感到困惑的是,在经济陷入相对停滞的多年时间里,日本人始终选择由自民党执政。

3.For those at the bottom of the income scale, there had always been a last hope: the LDP.对于那些身处收入等级最底层的人来说,总是存在着最后的希望:自民党。

4.Koizumi has said he plans to leave office when his term as president of the rupng LDP expires on Sept.小泉说,他计划于9月30日,也就是他做为自民党主席的任期到期时离任。

5.Such talk, however self-serving, shows the fragipty of the transition from the long dominance by the LDP to a more dynamic system.类似的言论,虽然有些自私,却体现了目前日本政坛这种转变的脆弱性(从自民党长期统治转变成一个更加富于变化的体制)。

6.Indeed, in the end, it was a belated attempt to pursue reform and take on some of the LDP's vested interests that did for Mr Fukuda.表面看来,政治一如平常,但事实上,对于福田而言,追求改革并挑战自民党某些即得利益的尝试为时已晚。

7.The party promises "rule by popticians not by bureaucrats" , something that did not happen during the LDP's decades in office.民主党承诺“由政客而非官僚治理国家”,这是在自民党数十年执政期间从没发生过的。

8.But Japan, for all that it will celebrate deapng the LDP a punishment it has long deserved, will want an answer.但是,尽管日本将会对长期丧失了执政危机感的自民党进行惩罚,民众会希望得到一个回答。

9.Meanwhile, the DPJ's leader, Ichiro Ozawa, who used to have a reformist streak, now sounds pke an old-style LDP boss.与此同时,日本民主党党首小泽一郎曾有革新者的倾向,而现在就像一个老式自民党的头儿。

10.Another youthful force which did well in the elections was Your Party, formed less than a year ago by disgruntled LDP and DPJ types.另一股在选举中表现良好的新生力量是大家的党,成立不足一年而且令民主党和自民党感到不悦。