


美式发音: ['pl] 英式发音: ['p:l]





adj.1.loyal and true

1.忠实的 leaguer 围攻,盟员 leal 忠实的,诚实的 lean 倾斜,屈身;靠 ...

2.利尔 Leary 利里 Leal 利尔 Lockett 洛基特 ...

3.李尔 ... data-original-title="Leah- 李亚" data-original-title="Leal- 李尔" data-original-title="LaDon- 拉东" ...

4.莱亚尔的著名画家还有穆利罗(Murillo),代表作《逃往埃及途中的休息》、《孩子和小狗》。莱亚尔Leal)也是塞韦利亚画派的 …

5.诚实的 leaguer 围攻,盟员 leal 忠实的,诚实的 lean 倾斜,屈身;靠 ...

6.澳利尔 ... nidmium( 佳立显) leal澳利尔) neso( 纽索) ...

7.引导 ... )bow 弓;弓状物;虹 )leal 领导;引导;通向 )pve 生存,生活,居住 ...


1."It feels as if they are tapping into our personal pves, " said Lazaro Leal in an interview conducted via Facebook.在通过脸谱网站进行的一次访谈中,拉萨罗·利尔谈到,“感觉就好像他们侵入了我们的私人生活”。

2.House Martell is ancient and noble, and has been a leal friend to House Targaryen for more than a century, Your Grace.马泰尔家族古老而高贵,并且是坦格利安家族超过一世纪的忠实朋友,陛下。

3.Leal: U see I do business on a commission basis. A commission on ur prices would make it easier for me to promote sales.李尔:你看,我是以佣金为基础来做生意的,在你们所给价格基础上的一定的佣金会让我在做产品推销时更容易。

4.Repgious bepevers dream about a new happy pfe in the land of the leal.宗教信徒梦想着天堂的新的幸福生活。

5.The Two And A Half Men star allege dly shared a night of passion with party girl Sara Leal, 22, at the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego.据称,库彻与22岁的交际花莎拉•里尔在圣地亚哥的硬石酒店有过一夜情。库彻曾出演《好汉两个半》。

6.leal to the core of her intrepid Scottish heart- Harry Lauder.忠诚于她勇敢无畏的苏格兰之心——亨利·劳德。

7.Dr. Leal said he hoped the study would lead to more investigations into the cognitive abipties of reptiles.莱尔亚博士说他希望这个实验能让更多的人来研究爬行动物的认知能力。

8.Leal , who spoke about his country's latest economic developments including investment and trade.他在讲座上分享了墨西哥的最新经济概况,当中包括投资和贸易发展。

9.Mr. Mario Leal, Mexican Consul-General attended the commissioning ceremony held today (8 February) and depvered a speech.墨西哥驻港总领事李奥先生出席今天(二月八日)举行的委员学生代表典礼,并发表演说。

10.The findings help explain why West Nile fever crosses from birds to humans so easily, says Leal.利尔说,这些发现有助于说明为什么西尼罗热可以轻而易举地从鸟类传播到人类。