


网络释义:Land Evolution and Assessment Model; 学习; 天联


1.Land Evolution and Assessment Model、一个团体乃至一个国家要保持持续发展,根本的条件是学习leam)的速度能大于至少等于变化(change)的速度。

3.天联 mhf home 什么意思 leam 天联 distributor 权利 ...

4.籧 le; 师 leam lebt 峊 ...

5.蓝通海滩 观景点 View P... 蓝通海滩 Leam ... 维京洞穴 Vikin... ...

6.月球喷发物与陨石        研究证据来自阿波罗飞船上的一个名为“月球喷发物与陨石”(LEAM)的实验。1972年阿波罗17号的宇航员在月球上安装了这项 …


1.Emotionapzed can be very dangerous sometimes, so how to manage it is what you and i myself should leam.有时感情用事是很危险的,所以你和我都应该学会如何控制感情!

2.If you do not leam to think when you are young, you may never leam.如果你年轻时候不学会思考,那就永远不会。爱迪生。

3.In the school educational reforms, A part of teachers, staff and workers are on an un favourable footing and leam from the setbacks.在学校教育改革中,部分教职工因改革而处于不利地位,体验挫折。

4.I wish that my first marriage hadn't been the place where I learned how to make a relationship work, but at least I did leam.我想,我的第一次婚姻恰好处在这样一个位置上:我不知道如何处理相互的关系。但是,至少我们确实学到了。

5.I can leam lots of things from a documentary(BUT AND THEN OR)my favorite is the action movie.我可以从中学到很多东西。但是(But)我最喜欢的是动作片,很有趣。

6.Boys and girls leam better in single sex schools.男、女生在单性别的学校里学习更好些。

7.But it's the responsibipty of the students to leam them all well.但是把它们学好这是作为学生的职责。

8.A school is a place where people leam new things.学校是学习新知识的地方。

9.The more we leam about these diverse species, the more we discover ways that they can improve and maintain our pves.我们对生物多样性了解得越多,我们就会更多地发现它们的能够维持甚至改善我们生活的方式。

10.Why don't you leam something else?你干嘛不学点别的