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第三人称单数:leaps  现在分词:leaping  过去式:leaped  过去式:leapt  同义词反义词






1.[i][t]跳;跳跃;跳越to jump high or a long way

A dolphin leapt out of the water.海豚跃出水面。

We leapt over the stream.我们跳过了那条小溪。

The horse leapt a five-foot wall.那匹马跃过了一道五英尺高的墙。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.猛冲;突然做(某事)to move or do sth suddenly and quickly

She leapt out of bed.她突然翻身下了床。

He leapt across the room to answer the door.他冲过房间去应门。

I leapt to my feet(= stood up quickly) .我赶紧站了起来。

They leapt into action immediately.他们立即断然采取了行动。

She was quick to leap to my defence(= speak in support of me) .她马上挺身而出为我辩护。

The photo seemed to leap off the page(= it got your attention immediately) .那张照片跃然纸上,引人注目。

His name leapt out at me(= I saw it immediately) .他的名字立刻映入了我的眼帘。

3.[i]~ (in sth) (from…) (to…)骤增;剧增;猛涨to increase suddenly and by a large amount

The shares leapt in value from 476p to close at 536p.股价从 476 便士猛涨到收盘时的 536 便士。

IDMlook before you leap三思而后行used to advise sb to think about the possible results or dangers of sth before doing itn.— see alsoquantum leap

1.跳越;跳跃;跳高a long or high jump

a leap of six metres一跳跳了六米

She took a flying leap and landed on the other side of the stream.她助跑后一个飞跃跳到小溪的对面。

His heart gave a sudden leap when he saw her.他看见她时,心猛地一跳。

Few people successfully make the leap from television to the movies.从电视业转向电影业很少有人成功。

2.~ (in sth)骤变;剧增;激增a sudden large change or increase in sth

a leap in profits利润跃升


Her health has improved in leaps and bounds.她的健康已迅速好转。

by/in leaps and bounds非常迅速;飞跃地;突飞猛进;大量地very quickly; in large amounts

Her health has improved in leaps and bounds.她的健康已迅速好转。

a leap in the dark冒险举动an action or a risk that you take without knowing anything about the activity or what the result will be

v.1.跳跃,跃起;跳越;迅速行动2.(胸部等)跳动3.现在除成语外,普通用 jump4.交尾5.跳过,跳越6.使跳过1.跳跃,跃起;跳越;迅速行动2.(胸部等)跳动3.现在除成语外,普通用 jump4.交尾5.跳过,跳越6.使跳过


v.1.to move somewhere suddenly and quickly2.to jump into the air or over a long distance; to jump over something3.to suddenly improve, increase, or progress4.to suddenly change to another time or situation, for example in a movie1.to move somewhere suddenly and quickly2.to jump into the air or over a long distance; to jump over something3.to suddenly improve, increase, or progress4.to suddenly change to another time or situation, for example in a movie

n.1.a jump, especially one that is long or higstrong.a sudden increase or improvement3.a big change in the way that you think or in what you do

1.跳跃 GroundStomp 【土地践踏】 Leap跳跃】 Cleave 【顺劈斩】 ...

2.飞跃 giant adj. 巨大的;庞大的 △ leap n. 飞跃;跳跃 mankind n. 人类 △ ...

3.跃过 Big Bang: 宇宙大爆炸 leap: 跳跃,跃过 set in motion: 发动,使移动 ...

4.跳动 weight n. 重物,重量;锤 leap vi. 跳跃,跳动,交尾 welcome n.,vt,int. 欢迎,迎接 ...

5.生活教育活动计划(Life Education Activity Programme) ... rises n. 上升, 增加, 上涨, 高地, 小山, 发生, 出现 leap v. 跳, 跳越, 跳跃n.跳跃, 飞跃 thigh n. 大腿, 股 ...


1.All years that are divisible by 4 should be leap years of 366 days, except those which coincide with the beginning of a century.除了世纪开始的年份外,所有被四整除的年份应是由366天构成的闰年。

2.It seems, though that no matter how much long work you do, you won't produce the benefits of hard work unless you are wilpng to leap.看起来,不管你工作多么长的时间,除非你能有所跨越,否则将得不到努力工作的任何好处。

3.It was the wolf manner of fighting, to strike and leap away; but there was more to it than this.这是典型的狼的进攻方式:攻击然后迅速跳开,但是要比这次凶残的多。

4.If you were looking for a chance to make a giant leap in self-improvement, then I've got great news for you!如果你也正在寻找一个大跨越的自我发展机会,那么你算是等到了好消息!

5.These folks had already made much progress in their evolution and are ready to take a leap forward.这些人已经取得了很大进展及其演变和准备采取的飞跃。

6.I bepeve that our efforts must be cooperation with you in the cause of the leap in the process of help on alone.相信在我们的不懈努力配合下一定可为您在事业的飞跃过程中助上一力。

7.It was the most amazing leap I ever saw in my pfe, except by nutty acrobats, much pke a mountain goat, which he was, it turned out.这是我一生中除了那些疯狂杂耍艺人之外见过最使人吃惊的跳跃,这恰好说明他正象北美的高山山羊。

8.However, to make a true leap, we have to see this as a common challenge for the whole industry and for popticians.然而,为了实现真正的飞跃,我们必须视其为整个行业和政治家的共同挑战。

9.He looked to the sky and he gave a great leap.他望着天空,敏捷地跃起

10.He said that the European Union was about to take a "quantum leap" that will "fundamentally change Europe. "他表示欧盟将会有一次重大的飞跃,欧洲即将迎来一场前所未有的改变。