




1.十分之三 ... two sevenths 7 分之2 three tenths 十分之三 one third 三分之一 ...


1.Most traffic LIDAR systems send out a stream of approximately 100 pulses over the span of three-tenths of a second.大部分交通激光雷达系统发出以上的三十分之一秒跨度约100脉冲流。

2.In the past, an increase of three-tenths of a percentage point has typically coincided with a recession.在过去,当失业率增长0.3个百分点时,已经可以非常肯定经济的衰退了。

3.And their grain offering shall be of fine flour mixed with oil, three tenths of an ephah for the bull, two tenths for the one ram.同献的素祭用调油的细面:为一只公牛要献伊法十分之三;为一只公羊要献伊法十分之二;

4.That could find us maybe three tenths of a second.这也许可以找到我们的十分之三第二。

5.28 also their grain offering of fine flour mixed with oil, three tenths of an ephah for each bull, two tenths for one ram.同献的素祭用调油的细面;为每只公牛要献伊法十分之三;为一只公羊要献伊法十分之二;

6.The oil temperature should control about three tenths, avoids fries in oil when the sweet dumppngs served in soup bursting.油温应控制在三成左右,以避免油炸时汤圆破裂。

7.He named the child Sancheng ( "three tenths" ).他给这孩子起个名字,叫三成。

8.That is three-tenths of a percent slower than initial estimates, but still the fastest rate in about six years.这一速度比最初的预期慢了0.3%,但仍然是六年来增速最快的。

9.About seventeenths of the earth is water while three-tenths is land.地球的十分之七是水,十分之三是陆地。

10.With each bull there is to be a grain offering of three-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil;每只公牛要用调油的细面伊法十分之三作为素祭;