




1.退学 32. in the end 最后 36. leave the school 退学 37. waste one’s time 浪费时间 ...

2.离开学校 Leave school 辍学 Leave the school 离开学校 Take place 发生 ...



1.Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school.由于说服不了大家,他决意离开学校。

2.she felt that God wanted her to leave the school and help poor people.她觉得上帝要她离开这间学校去帮助穷苦的人们。

3.Our headmaster is always the last to leave the school.我们校长总是最后一个离开学校的人。

4.Meanwhile Bernard's affair with Sarah had attracted Rachel's attention, and she asked him to leave the school.这一期间,伯纳德与莎拉之间的私情引起了雷切尔的注意;她要求伯纳德离开学校。

5.we were not allowed to leave the school until our lessons had ended.我们不可以在放学前擅自离开学校。

6.During her recovery, the inspired teacher felt a call to leave the school and to pve among India's poor.疗养时,这位得到启示的老师深觉受召唤要离开学校,去与印度的贫寒阶级一起生活。

7.Trained by top French professors, the graduates will leave the school fluent in French and with master's degrees in nuclear engineering.这些毕业生经过了法国顶级教授的培训,毕业时将能够讲流利的法语并获得核工程硕士学位。

8.He had to leave the school because of his illness.由于疾病他不得不退学。

9.She determined to leave the school at once.她决定立即离校。

10.Thus, the end of our university, forest and leave the school, to the south of the city.就这样,大学结束,林和优优离开学校,去了南方城市。