


美式发音: [pz] 英式发音: [pːz]





n.1.the thick substance that forms at the bottom of a bottle of wine

1.渣滓 scum n 泡沫,社会 要 lees n (葡萄酒等的)渣滓,酒糟 fipngs n. 锉屑 | ...

3.酒渣 Late harvest 晚收 Lees 酒渣 Malolactic fermentation 苹果乳酸发酵 ...

4.李斯 Leella 李氏蜒属 lees 沉积物 leeuwfonteinite 歪闪正长岩 ...

6.酒泥 Mannoproteins: 甘露糖蛋白 Lees酒泥 Chateau: 酒庄 ...

7.残渣酵母残渣(Lees):酵母在酿酒后沈淀下的残渣。有时为了增加酒体的浓郁和层次感,酿酒师会让酵母残渣留在酒槽较长的时间而 …

8.酒脚当酵母死亡之后会自然下沉到发酵容器底部,形成白色粉末状的沉淀物质,这种沉淀物质叫做酒脚Lees)。有些白葡萄酒会 …


1.In 1912, Shackleton's Endurance expedition -- there was -- one of his crew, a guy called Thomas Orde-Lees.在1912年,在沙克尔顿的耐久征途中--有一个--他的一个队员,叫做托马斯奥德-莱斯。

2.Windows Phone division chief Andy Lees said the Nokia devices were a huge development for Microsoft.WindowsPhone部门主管安迪·里斯表示,诺基亚的设备对于微软来说是一次巨大的发展。

3.Harvey: I'm sorry but that's just not good enough . Monday's too late . As I said in my email , the Lees are leaving on Sunday.抱歉,这不行。星期一太晚了。我在电邮中已经说过了,李氏夫妇将在星期天离开。

4.Mr Lees thinks the ratio might fall to five over the next decade, implying that energy's share of GDP could quadruple.李认为该比率在下个十年中将跌至5左右,这意味着能源所占GDP的比重将翻四番。

5.Material that settles to the bottom of a pquid ; lees .沉淀物沉落到液体底部的物质;渣滓。

6.The fate he had been marked for had met with a vengeance - he had emptied the cup to the lees .他那注定的命运却对他进行了报复--他把那杯苦酒喝得一干二净。

7.But Lees said that Microsoft embarked on a new strategy some time ago that will come to fruition over the next 18 months.不过利兹说微软在一些日子前开始了一项新的战略,该战略将在未来的十八个月内取得成果。

8.Why it Mrs. Lees cat catching the mice? Because its in a tree. Its staring at Rover with fear and shaking pke a leaf.李太太的猫为何不在抓这些老鼠呢?因为它在树上,它正惊恐地盯着狗儿来福,并且抖得很厉害。

9.Lees promised that Microsoft would surpass those interfaces by the end of the year.利兹承诺微软将在年底推出超越这些界面的产品。

10.The lees he smoked, the better he would be.他抽烟所得越少,他身体就越好。