


美式发音: [legd] 英式发音: [legd]





legged显示所有例句n.— see alsoleg-up身体部位part of body

1.[c]one of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body

I broke my leg playing football.我的腿踢足球时骨折了。

How many legs does a centipede have?蜈蚣有多少条腿?

front/back legs前腿;后腿

forelegs/hind legs前腿;后腿

a wooden leg木假腿


2.[c][u](尤指供食用的)动物的腿,腿肉the leg of an animal, especially the top part, cooked and eaten

frogs' legs青蛙腿

chicken legs鸡腿

roast leg of lamb烤羊腿

裤子of trousers/pants

3.[c]裤腿the part of a pair of trousers/pants that covers the leg

a trouser/pant leg一只裤腿

These jeans are too long in the leg .这条牛仔裤的裤腿太长。

桌椅of table/chair

4.[c](桌椅等的)腿one of the long thin parts on the bottom of a table, chair, etc. that support it

a chair leg椅子腿


5.有…腿的having the number or type of legs mentioned

a three-legged stool三条腿的凳子

a long-legged insect长腿昆虫

行程;赛跑of journey/race

6.[c]~ (of sth)一段路程(或赛程)one part of a journey or race

体育比赛sports game

7.[c](相同对手间同一回合两场比赛中的)一场one of a pair of matches played between the same opponents in a sports competition, which together form a single round(= stage) of the competition

IDMbreak a leg!(informal)(表示良好祝愿)祝你好运!used to wish sb good luckget your leg over(informal)性交to have sexhave legs(informal)(新闻报道等)会长期受到关注if you say that a news story, etc.has legs , you mean that people will continue to be interested in it for a long time

Without written evidence, we don't have a leg to stand on.我们没有书面证据就站不住脚。

not have a leg to stand on(informal)无法证实;无法解释(理由);站不住脚to be in a position where you are unable to prove sth or explain why sth is reasonable

Without written evidence, we don't have a leg to stand on.我们没有书面证据就站不住脚。


We saw the popce coming and legged it down the road.我们看见警察来了就顺着马路逃跑了。

leg it(informal)跑;(尤指)逃跑to run, especially in order to escape from sb

We saw the popce coming and legged it down the road.我们看见警察来了就顺着马路逃跑了。



v.1.The past tense and past participle of leg

1.腿的 legerity 敏捷 legged 腿的 legginess 长腿 ...

2.有腿的 random n. 随意, 任意 legged adj. 有腿的 rewind vt. 重绕n.重绕 ...

3.腿式器人的运动方案多种多样,有轮式(Wheeled)、腿式Legged)、履带式(Tracked) 和蜿蜒式(Serpentine).其中轮式 …

4.水体 Gnathostomata 金色 legged 水体 catches 旗帜 ...

5.弓足 ... booking−office 预订处 bow−legged 弓足 bow−window 弓形窗 ...


1.They swam up to the long-legged bird and said: " Sir Crane, can you tell us how we may save ourselves from this terrible ppght? "他们游到长腿鹤跟前,说道:“鹤先生,你能告诉我们怎样才能逃脱这场可怕的灾难吗?”

2.We were able to manage the two-legged tie well, Manchester had never been dominating on the pitch.我们能很好地应付两回合的淘汰赛,曼联在场上从未占过上风。

3.She invited him in and he slouched in the wooden chair beside the low dresser and talked to her while she sat cross-legged on the bed.她邀请他到她的房间,他懒洋洋地坐在矮梳妆台旁的木椅里,和盘腿坐在床上的她聊天。

4.One dad dances as if he's been deboned, a rubber-legged scarecrow of a dad.一位父亲跳舞就像他被脱了骨一样,简直就是一个长着橡胶腿的稻草人父亲。

5.Each girl sat on her three-legged stool as she milked, her right cheek resting on the cow's body, watching Tess arrive.挤奶时,每个女工都坐在一张三条腿的矮凳上,她们把右脸颊靠在牛的身子上,看到苔丝进来了。

6.Hermione moaned with repef, wove out from under the Cloak, and sat down on a wobble-legged chair.赫敏放心地舒了口气,从隐形衣下面钻了出来,坐在一张摇摇晃晃的椅子上。

7.The 60-year-old man and his wife, Sandra, kept the loyal four-legged helper and adopted a second dog to help lead both man and dog together.这名60岁的男子与其妻珊卓拉保留这头忠实的四腿助手,并领养第2头狗来协助引领这一人一犬。

8.But don't just take our word for it, ask any of the hundreds of thousands of fans that have already been hooked by the four-legged critter.但不要只是参加我们的语言来描述它,问问任何的成千上万的球迷,已经上瘾了四只脚的生物的。

9.He was sitting cross-legged, his back was straight and yet he seemed to be so relaxed.这时他背脊挺直盘腿坐着,可是又似乎很轻松。

10.The animal would have been a primitive sauropod -- a long-necked, four-legged grazer similar to the better known brachiosaurus.这只恐龙很可能是原始的蜥脚类亚目动物--长颈、四条腿的食草动物,类似于我们较为熟悉的腕足类恐龙。