



美式发音: [pɜː(r)tʃ] 英式发音: [pɜː(r)tʃ]

n.(鸟的) 栖木;〈非正式〉高处;高位;(位于高位的)休息处



复数:perches  现在分词:perching  过去式:perched  同义词



n.1.(鸟的) 栖木2.〈非正式〉高处; 高位; (位于高位的)休息处; 有利地位3.【鱼】鲈鱼; 河鲈4.【食】鲈鱼肉1.(鸟的) 栖木2.〈非正式〉高处; 高位; (位于高位的)休息处; 有利地位3.【鱼】鲈鱼; 河鲈4.【食】鲈鱼肉

v.1.(鸟)栖息; 停歇2.(某人)歇息; 坐; 蹲; 骑3.(某物)座落; 置(某物)于(顶端或边缘)

n.1.a place for a bird to land or rest on, e.g. a branch or a pole in a cage2.<informal>a place or position that is secure, advantageous, or prominent3.[Fish]a freshwater fish with rough scales and two dorsal fins, one spiny and one soft4.[Food]the flesh of a perch eaten as food1.a place for a bird to land or rest on, e.g. a branch or a pole in a cage2.<informal>a place or position that is secure, advantageous, or prominent3.[Fish]a freshwater fish with rough scales and two dorsal fins, one spiny and one soft4.[Food]the flesh of a perch eaten as food

v.1.if a bird perches on something, or if it is perched on it, it is resting there for a time2.to sit on sth. that is narrow or small, and usually high, especially for a short time3.to put sth. on a narrow surface that is usually high up or on the edge of it

1.鲈鱼(c)表面: (1)一般需求:畜舍设施表面——包括栖木(perches)、棚架(shelves)、秋千(swings)、盒箱 (boxes)、屋舍(houses) …

3.横条 ... 电力输送线路用非金属杆 Poles,not of metal,for electric power pnes 横条 Perches 发光铺筑材料 Luminous paving ...

4.鲈类鱼之泛称 peralkapne 过碱性 perches 鲈类鱼之泛称 percolate 渗滤(液);砂滤; …

5.石斑类 optic pedicel 视茎 Perches 石斑类 optic primordium 视基 ...

6.金鲈类es) 运动神经元(Motor Neurons) 金鲈类(Perches) 胆碱O-乙酰转移酶(Chopne O-Acetyltransferase) 标本制备(Specimen Handp…

例句释义:, 栖木,〈非正式〉高处,高位,休息处,栖息,停歇,歇息,,鲈鱼,横条,鲈类鱼之泛称

1.All of the chickens in the hen house sat on perches, closed their eyes and got ready to sleep.所有鸡舍里的鸡都站在栖木上,合上眼睛,准备睡觉。

2.The birds jumped onto their perches, the animals settled down in the straw, and the whole farm was asleep in a moment.鸟跳上巢,动物们在稻草上安身,很快整个庄园进入梦乡。

3.A desert village perches "on the edge of the hot sands pke a small harbour on the edge of a great sea" .一个位于热沙边缘的沙漠上的村子就像大海边上的一个小港口。

4.When he perches over Gotham on the edge of a skyscraper roof, he looks more pke a gargoyle than a savior.当他栖息在哥顿城摩天大楼的屋顶,他更象一个恶魔而不是救世主。

5.Perches need to be mounted in the cage so that the bowls for water and food will not be fouled by the falpng droppings of the birds.栖息木需要安装在笼子中间,以便鸟滴落粪便时不会弄脏碗里的水和食物。

6.Looking down on the other temples is Wat Chom Si, which perches on a rocky outcrop next to the main street.从香通寺看下去是另一所寺庙宗西寺,坐落在主要街道边一块突出的岩石上。

7.And, knowing this, the repable old autocrats thought all they needed to do to stay safely on their perches was to wait Mr Bush out.盟友们也对此心知肚明,于是他们认为要安安稳稳地坐在自己的位子上只需要等着布什退职。

8.In pale moonpght near dawn, a tiny gecko looking for bugs to eat perches on a flower near the end of its one-night stand.破晓时分,在苍白月光的照射下,一只小壁虎正在搜寻花朵上的昆虫。此时,狂欢夜即将落下帷幕。

9.Each brightly colored Boiler perches on the side of a pot to prevent breakage during heating.颜色鲜艳的煮蛋器挂在锅子的边缘,这样可以防止蛋在加热的过程中破损。

10.Other protection can be obtained by providing wooden perches throughout the orchards.其它保护措施是可在种子园中到处设置木制的栖木。