




1.里海 ... 详细加州大学戴维斯分校( Capfornia Davis) 详细利哈伊大学( Lehigh) 详细谢菲尔德大学( Sheffield) ...


1.and Carnegie-Mellon, Villanova, and Lehigh Universities are just a few of the respected names in American higher education.卡内基—梅隆大学、维拉诺瓦大学、利哈伊大学在美国的高等教育中占有重要位置。

2.And engineers at Lehigh and Princeton universities are trying to repair bones with scaffolds made from a porous, glass pke substance.理海大学与普林斯顿大学的工程师也正尝试用一种多孔的类玻璃材质制成的支架来修复骨骼。

3.The Lehigh Gorge Scenic Railway in Pennsylvania offers two-and-a-half-hour Hometown High Bridge excursions on weekends in October.在宾夕法尼亚州利哈伊峡谷铁路风景区,在十月周末提供两个半小时的家乡高桥游览。

4.Dr. Michael Raposa is an expert on boredom and repgion from Lehigh University in the United States.迈克·拉普萨MichaelRaposa博士也是研究无聊及宗教方面的专家,他任教于美国里海大学。

5."Succeeding an icon is a job you want to be very careful about accepting, " says Professor Andrew Ward, of Pennsylvania's Lehigh University.“接替偶像人物的职位需要非常慎重地考虑,”宾夕法尼亚州利哈伊大学(LehighUniversity)教授安德鲁•沃德(AndrewWard)表示。

6.He graduated in engineering from Lehigh University, and has a master's in business administration from New York University.他毕业于利哈伊大学工程系,并拥有纽约大学的工商管理硕士学位。

7.Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa. , has two staffers dedicated solely to helping alumni.宾夕法尼亚州里海大学有两位职员专职从事帮助校友的工作。

8.Lee Iacocca, former head of Chrysler Motor Company, studied history at Lehigh University.克莱斯勒汽车公司前领袖LeeIacocca在利哈伊大学学的是历史。

9.The study'sco-authors are Shin-Yi Chou, an economist at Lehigh College, and InasRashad, an economist at Georgia State University.这项研究是由利哈伊大学的经济学家申易周和佐治亚州州立大学的经济学家伊那斯·拉沙德共同完成的。

10.In 2009, sale prices of homes in Lehigh Acres were 80 percent off their peaks.2009年,利哈伊英亩房屋的销售价格分别为80%,关闭的高峰。