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网络释义:枕额径(occipito-frontal diameter);枕额径(Occipital Frontal Diameter);正交频分(OF DM)



1.枕额径(occipito-frontal diameter)ad circumference (HC) 枕额径Occipital Frontal Diameter (OFD) 子宫Uterus 输卵管Uterine Tube,Oviduct 卵巢Ovary, Ovaries …

3.正交频分(OF DM)变的卷积编码方式,以适应不同重要性数据的保护要求;正交频分OFD)指使用大量的载波(副载波),它们有相等的频 …

4.加工成本 OF 张开裂隙 OFD 海底钻井 off bottom 离开井底 ...


1.BPD and OFD is one pair of the most important parameters that are appped for evaluating fetal intrauterine growth.胎头双顶径(BPD)和枕额径(OFD)是衡量胎儿宫内生长发育情况的重要指标之一。

2.So instead ofd spending money on computer games or puzzles to improve your brain's health, invest in a gym membership.因此,与其花钱购买电脑游戏或字谜游戏改善大脑健康状况,不如去健身房办张会员卡;

3.Constructing an excellent culture of state key laboratory is the core content and the main method ofd management.构建优秀的国家重点实验室文化是文化管理的核心内容和主要手段。

4.The research progress ofd displacement chromatography theory was reviewed i. . .在此对置换色谱理论研究进展进行了综述。

5.Whabout younove got to do is turn around some sort ofd say : " Waboutch me" .你所要做的就是转过头,去对他们说:“看我的”。

6.I love three things in this world: sun: moon some kind ofd yourself. Sun for morning: moon for night: some kind ofd yourself forever.在这个世界上我嗜好三件事:太阳、月亮和你。太阳是白昼,月亮是夜晚,而你是我的永远。

7.In short, the OFD indicates the objects that are produced and the activities that produce and exchange them.简而言之,OFD指的就是被产生的对象,以及产生和交换它们的活动。

8.They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full ofd disappoint ment.他们满载着垃圾、挫败、愤怒与失望四处奔跑。

9.A good economical source ofd-c current for small scale electrolytic etching is the standard 6-V lantern battery.9小型电解腐蚀中使用的直流电,优秀而且经济的来源是标准的6-V手提电池。

10.Magnetic materials . Part 4 : methods of measurement ofd . C. Magnetic properties of iron and steel.磁性材料。第4部分:钢和铁直流电磁特性的测定方法。