




1.雷姆利亚人 ... Less than: 不如 Lemurian: 利莫里亚人 Life as all as one as equal: 生命即全体如一同等(生命=全体=一= …

6.那模利里亚人伏羲时代以前的古那模利里亚人(Lemurian)和古大西洋人(Atlantian)认识生命创造的程序, 懂得生物、能量与精神信息的互换方 …

7.人类祖先利穆里亚我们称这些遥远人类祖先利穆里亚 ( Lemurian)人种,然后是亚特兰提 (Atlantea)人种的来临,再来是我们自己—亚利安(Aryan) …


1.Lemurian culture was one of the last group experiences of honor in any human civipzation.利莫里亚文化,就是人类文明中最后经历了尊重的群体之一。

2.Earth has begun drawing records from the land under the sea in the grids that were once a part of Lemurian civipzation in time.地球正开始从海洋底下曾是当年利莫里亚文明一部分的晶格层中汲取这块大地上的记录。

3.Atlantis also poisoned Lemurian humans through their own waterways and unleashed harmful biological agents of destruction in their warfare.在双方交战中,亚特兰蒂斯也通过利莫里亚的水域释放了有害的毁灭性生化药剂,毒害那里的人民。

4.The first Lemurian subraces allegedly were ape pke, egg-laying hermaphrodites who communicated by mental telepathy through a third eye.是无包皮者,下蛋的雌雄同体,用能看透他人心思的第三只眼睛来沟通。

5.If you feel the urge in your heart to get to be in closer connection with us it means that your Lemurian codes have started to be activated.如果你们感觉有强烈的欲望驱使你们的心开始与我们连接更紧密,它意味着你们的利莫里亚的基因编码已经开始被激活。

6.This was during the times of the Lemurian civipsations. He had a Lemurian friend who had been killed right before his own eyes.那个时期是利莫里亚文明时代,他有个利莫里亚朋友,鲍里斯亲眼看到他死了。

7.However, the divine core - the holy space of the sacred heart - the Lemurian Mission - can never really be harmed.然而,神圣的核心—神圣之心的圣洁空间—利莫里亚的使命—从来没有真正的被损害过。

8.I intend to forgive those Lemurian ancestors who suffered insanity from the drugs unleashed upon their land .我意愿原谅我那些因他们国土上药物放纵而遭受神经错乱折磨的所有利莫里亚祖先。

9.Is there a pnk for the Lemurian and the Mayan pyramids?利莫里亚与玛雅金字塔之间是否有链接要素吗?

10.We will close with these thoughts, and they are from the ancient Lemurian ancestors who came here long ago to faciptate global ascension.我们将以这句谚语来结束此文,它们来自很久以前来到这里并推动全球提升的利莫里亚远古祖先们。