


美式发音: [ˈlent(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈlentɪl]






1.兵豆a small green, orange or brown seed that is usually dried and used in cooking, for example in soup or stew


n.1.a round flat seed that you boil before you eat it. You normally buy lentils in dried form.

1.扁豆 金针蘑 needle mushroom 扁豆 lentil 槟榔 areca ...

2.小扁豆 扁豆 haricot 小扁豆 lentil 毛豆 green soy bean ...

3.兵豆 laurel 月桂 lentil 兵豆 lettuce 莴苣 ...

4.小扁豆层 lentiform 透镜状的 lentil 小扁豆层 lentine 间苯二胺 ...

5.小扁豆,挺好吃的 Celery 芹菜 Lentil 小扁豆,挺好吃的。 Latte 拿铁,奶味比较足。 ...

6.扁豆饭土耳其牛肉镶茄子配香料扁豆饭(Lentil)扁豆是人类最早期的食物之一扁豆的蛋白质几乎跟肉类一样卡路里却低出许多富含对人 …

7.印度小扁豆印度小扁豆(LENTIL)已投稿到: 排行榜 圈子 前一篇:好市多(Costco)——量贩店 后一篇:为几个植物求名?


1.But now, at last, she can give her children their first meal of the day: a piece of bread and a few spoonfuls of lentil stew.最终,查雅还是想办法给孩子们每人一片面包、几勺炖扁豆,而这就是他们当天的第一顿饭。

2.A uniformed guard opens the door, and Lentil gets out. You get out.一个穿制服的警卫打开车门,兰缇下车,你也下车。

3.At least 320 guests are expected, dining on a largely vegetarian meal of red lentil soup, potato and eggplant salad, green curry prawns.大约有320名宾客在出席宴会,宴会的菜谱包括一份有红豆汤、土豆和茄子沙拉的素食餐,另外还有咖喱虾。

4.She was in hospital, being force-fed lentil soup through a tube inserted into her nose.因为她正在医院住院,插着鼻管,强迫接受扁豆汤饲喂。

5.She hands the pearls to you and says, "From now on, I'm back to being 'Lentil. '"她把那串珍珠递给你,说,“从今以后,我又做回‘兰缇’了。”

6.Lunch and dinner typically include piping hot rice, two vegetables and a spicy lentil dish called sambar, and buttermilk.典型的午晚餐包括热腾腾的米饭、两种蔬菜,及一种称为「sambar」的辣扁豆菜肴与白脱牛奶。

7.Another guard looks inside Lentil's purse, pushing aside the paper money to find nothing but her cell phone.另一个警卫检查兰缇的提包,把里面的钱推到一边,除了手机什么也没找到。

8.Lentil, China is a history of five thousand years the country in the world, one of the four ancient civipzations.总所周知,中国事一个有五千年汗青的国度,也是天下四大文明古国之一。

9.The lentil is high in potassium, calcium and iron, and a good source of B vitamins, phosphorus and copper.小扁豆富含钾、钙和铁,还有优质来源的维生素B、磷和铜。

10.Other foods high in tryptophan include non-fat Greek-style yogurts, lentil soup, raw sunflower seeds and turkey.类似含有色氨酸的食物有脱脂希腊酸奶、扁豆汤、鲜葵花籽和火鸡肉。