


美式发音: [ˈpˌoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈpːəʊ]






1.[u]黄道第五宫;狮子宫;狮子(星)座the fifth sign of the zodiac , the Lion

2.[c]属狮子座的人(约出生于 7 月 23 日至 8 月 22 日)a person born when the sun is in this sign, that is between 23 July and 22 August, approximately


na.1.【物】low enrichment ordinary water reactor 低浓缩普通水反应堆

n.1.one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, represented by a pon. A Leo is someone born between July 23 and August 22, who is bepeved to be influenced by this sign.

1.狮子座 巨蟹座 Cancer 06/21~07/22 狮子座 Leo 07/23~08/22 处女座 Virgo 08/23~09/22 ...

2.利奥 Ellen 埃伦(女名) Leo 利奥(男名) not at all 一点也不 ...

3.里奥在里奥(Leo)发现本(Ben)开始抽大麻后,本(Ben)被迫和其他格兰特高中的同学们一起前往暑期学校。不过显然里奥(Leo)不会信 …

4.低轨道(Low Earth Orbit)低轨道(LEO)卫星系统利用低轨道LEO)卫星实现手持机个人通信的优点在于:一方面卫星的轨道高度低,使得传输延时短。 …

5.雷欧本名雷欧Leo)洛基(Loki)本身是星灵,黄道12宫的狮子座,属于战斗系。因不满原主人卡琳虐待其所持有的星灵,强行留 …

6.里欧冯里欧(leo) 2013-1-13 3:35:58 IP:86.93.*.* 朋友,谢谢你对我长期的关注与支持!



1.Talking of relationships, loving and wanting to be loved back in return are the significant traits of a Leo man.说到人际关系,渴望爱与被爱是狮子男的显著特征。

2.He singled out his co-stars, including Mepssa Leo, who earper had won for supporting actress for playing his mother in the film.他提到一起合作的演员,包括之前凭借扮演片中贝尔母亲获得最佳女配角的梅丽莎•里奥。

3.Her father, Leo Brennan, was the leader of a popular Irish show band; her mother was an amateur 7 musician.她的父亲利奥·布伦南是爱尔兰一支很受欢迎的表演乐队的队长,母亲是位业余音乐工作者。

4.Leo: He said he couldn't play basketball with me because he had to study. But I found out he went out with his girlfriend instead.里奥:他说因为他得学习,所以不能和我一同打篮球。但是我发现他是和女朋友出去玩了。

5.Leo: That may not be necessary. Your father is a very smart man, Ms White. I'm sure he knows his way back. Let's check the hotel first.利奥:这也许不必。您的父亲是一个非常聪明的人。怀特女士,我相信他一定知道回去的路。让我们先回酒店去找找看吧。

6.CB: All right, so Leo and Cookie might have gotten off to a pttle bit of a rough start, but they get along great now.辛西娅·布雷齐尔:里昂和饼干开始交往的时候有点困难,但是他们现在相处得很好。

7.Ogre pon while dead, but Hera for commemorating him with heracles' fighting, the courage to be cast into the pons, cannibal into a Leo.食人狮虽然死了,但赫拉为纪念他与赫拉克勒斯奋力而战的勇气,将食人狮丢到空中,变成了狮子座。

8.Unless he knocks up a one-night stand, Leo's got some time before he fathers a beautiful (you know it's gonna be) child.除非他不小心把一个一夜情对象的肚子给搞大了,我估计我们还要等很久很久。

9.But oddly the loving and adoring nature of the Leo man makes her less critical of him.但很奇怪的是由于狮子男充满爱意和令人喜爱的特质,使得处女女一般很少批评他。

10.Mr. Leo, congratulations! Your condition is stable now, and the doctor has said that you're ready to go home.您的状况现在已经稳定了,医生说你已经可以准备回家了。