


美式发音: [ˈlɛnərd] 英式发音: [ˈlenəd]





1.伦纳德 Lennon 伦农 爱尔兰 戴帽子穿斗蓬很瘦的人 Leonard 伦纳德 条顿 强壮如狮 Leopold 利奥波德 德国 有爱国心的 ...

2.雷纳德 Leo 雷 欧 Leonard 雷 纳 德 Leopold 利 奥 波 特 ...

3.莱纳德 水中倒影 L'Ombre Dans L'Eau 里安勒 Leonard 伦敦 London ...


1.Leonard lent her a book and then would call her to ask if she had finished reading it.伦纳德借给伊夫林一本书,然后打电话问她书读完了没有。

2.And we were talking about something, or arguing, and he said to me, in the kindest way possible, 'Leonard, you are not CEO any more.有时我俩商讨(或争论)时,他会以尽可能委婉的口气提醒我,‘伦纳德,您已不再是CEO。’

3.But soon Leonard began to complain that they always stayed at Madeleine's place and that he never got to wake up in his own bed.但不久伦纳德就开始抱怨说,他们总是住在玛德琳那里,他都没有机会在自己的床上醒过来了。

4.There was a time when Leonard sold a painting and I happened to be at home when the moving men came and I said, 'Why are you here?有一次伦纳德卖出了一幅画,搬运工来的时候我正好在家,我问,“你们为什么来这里?”

5.Madeleine, taking pity on the tree, began to water it until she caught Leonard looking at her one day, his eyes narrowed with suspicion.玛德琳出于可怜那棵树,开始给它浇水。直到有一天她这么做时,发现伦纳德正在眯着眼用一种怀疑的目光盯着她。

6.Leonard: Uh, your. . . your talents to see that she may not be the best judge of her own condition!呃,像你这样……你这样有天分的女人,发现自己无法判断自身的处境会很难!

7.What was it about Leonard Bernstein that made him do so well in such a difficult situation?是什么原因让伦纳德伯恩斯坦即使面对如此艰困的情况,却仍能表现出色?

8.Mahler, who was Leonard Bernstein's idol has always been a source of inspiration to me.马勒是伯恩斯坦的偶像,同时也一直是我灵感的来源。

9.Leonard: pke, uh, pke, how the Joker got back at Batman for putting him in the Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane.就好比蝙蝠侠把疯子罪犯小丑扔进了亚可汗疯人院,事后他不是越狱了吗。

10.Leonard: Penny, you'll have to excuse Sheldon. He's a bit of a germaphobe.Penny,你要原谅Sheldon,他有点病理恐惧。