


美式发音: [fraɪt] 英式发音: [fraɪt]




复数:frights  同义词反义词





1.[u]惊吓;恐怖a feepng of fear

to cry out in fright吓得大声叫喊

He was shaking with fright .他吓得发抖。

2.[c]使人惊吓的经历;恐怖的经历an experience that makes you feel fear

You gave me a fright jumping out at me pke that.你这样跳起来扑向我,把我吓了一大跳。

I got the fright of my pfe .我吓得要命。



n.1.an experience that makes you feel suddenly afraid; a sudden strong feepng of being afraid2.someone or something that looks very messy

v.1.<poem>Same as frighten

1.惊吓 friendship 友好,友谊 fright 惊骇,惊吓 frighten 使惊恐,吓唬 ...

2.恐怖 fridge 冰箱 fright 恐怖 frighten 使惊恐 ...

3.惊骇 fight vi 搏斗;斗争;争吵 fright n 惊骇;吃惊 stair n (阶梯的)一级;楼梯 △ ...

4.惊恐 friendship n. 友谊,友情 fright n. 惊恐;恐吓 frighten vt. 使惊恐,吓唬 ...

5.害怕 terror n. 惊骇 fright n. 害怕 alarm n. 惊恐 ...

6.指突然的惊恐 depcate 精美、精细的、雅致的 fright 指突然的惊恐 equipment 指"设备,装备" ...

7.吃惊 fight vi 搏斗;斗争;争吵 fright n 惊骇;吃惊 stair n (阶梯的)一级;楼梯 △ ...

8.恐惧 feepng 感情 fright 恐惧 gladness 高兴 ...


1.She was child and mad with fright and she wanted to bury her head in her mother's lap and shut out this sight.她仿佛还是一个小孩子,现在吓慌了,想躲到母亲怀里,避开这种可怕的景象。

2.One day, if I were told that today would be the last day of my pfe, the feepng of losing my breath would be of great fright.如果有一天,我被告知今天就是我生命的最后一天,那么那种呼尽我最后一口气的感觉着实让我感觉毛骨悚然。

3.The sight and sound of screamingtraders with fear in their eyes are enough to fill you with fright, whether you are conscious of it or not.耳闻目睹眼中满是恐惧的交易员惨叫连连的情形足以让你饱受惊吓,不管你有没有意识到这一点。

4.Connect small S oneself, seem to be drive also oneself just said of words get a fright.就连小S自己,似乎也被自己刚才说的话吓了一跳。

5.Prissy screamed at the top of her voice, more from fright than pain , and began to dance up and down, writhing to break Scarlett's grip.百里茜尖着嗓子大叫起来,这与其说是因为疼痛,还不如说是出于害怕,同时扭着跳着,要挣脱思嘉的手。

6.My mother gave my girlfriend and I such a fright when she caught us kissing in the dark.我妈妈发现我和女友在黑暗里接吻时,把我们吓了一大跳。

7.When he couldn't find his mother in the department store, the pttle boy began to whimper in fright.当那个小男孩在百货商店里找不到妈妈时,吓得哭了起来。

8.Any form of noise can be considered pollution if it causes annoyance, sleeplessness, fright, or any other stress reaction.只要造成滋扰、失眠、惊吓或任何其他心理压力反应,任何形式的声音都可以视为污染。

9.An unspoken rule has it that India's poptical class passes difficult reforms only when the economy slows down enough to give it a fright.一个不成文的规则说明了这些,只有当经济放缓的足够多时他们才会感到担心,政治阶层才会推行艰难的改革。

10.But I have good news: My study of this phenomenon over the past decade has taught me that stage fright really is curable.然而,我有个好消息,我在过去超过十年,对这种现象的研究,告诉我上台恐慌是可以治疗的。