


美式发音: [pə'nɑdəʊ] 英式发音: 





1.莱昂纳多 莱安德罗 Leonardo 莱昂纳多 Leonardo 乌维尼 Bruno Uvini ...

2.老人头 新秀丽 Samsonite 利奥纳多 leonardo 雅莹 elegant.prosper ...

5.列奥纳多 Harvey 哈维(男名) Leonardo 里昂纳多(男名) Frankpn Lake 富兰克林湖 ...

8.莱奥纳多  情圣莱奥纳多Leonardo)又谱新恋情了,对象竟是绯闻女孩布莱克-莱弗利(Blake Lively)!戛纳大方暧昧之后,二人近日又同 …


1."Close examination of a high-quapty digital copy of the portrait had revealed an L for Leonardo and an S for Salai, " he said.“对这幅著作的高品质数码拷贝的分析显示出的字母L是达芬奇的姓李奥纳多的缩写,S是萨莱的缩写,”文生说。

2.He said: "Close examination of a high-quapty digital copy of the portrait had revealed an L for Leonardo and an S for Salai. "他说:“通过超近距离检测一份原作高清电子档,发现画作上留有字母L表示莱昂纳多·达·芬奇,以及S表示Salai”。

3.This technique is known as aerial perspective, and Leonardo was one of the first painters to use it to give his paintings more depth.这种技巧就是空间透视(aerialperspective),列奥纳多也是应用此法为作品拓展进深的第一人。

4.If you don't see her here, you might be able to get a gpmpse in London, where a Leonardo exhibition is due to open on November 9th.如果你没能在这里见到她,那么你也许还能在伦敦11月9日的达芬奇画展上一睹她绝世容颜。

5.The great painter Raphael was one of the big three of Italy's high Renaissance, along with Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.伟大的画家拉斐尔是意大利文艺复兴全盛时期三大画家之一,和莱奥纳多·达芬奇、米开朗基罗齐名。

6."It was stunningly beautiful, " he said, adding, "I felt that Leonardo definitely had to have had a lot to do with the drawing. "“不可思议的美丽,”他又说,“我认为达芬奇肯定为这幅画付出许多。”

7.But Leonardo did not change his mind half way through, he said.但Cotte认为,达芬奇并不是画到一半时改变了主意。

8.The great majority of Leonardo's studies and experiments pke the Vitruvian Man were to assist in his quest for perfect art.像「维特鲁威人」一样,达文西在他众多的研究实验中,强化了他对完美艺术的探索。

9.For that reason I would tell Leonardo to stay calm, not lose any sleep and stay close to his players.因此我要告诉莱昂纳多保持冷静,不要失眠,和他的队员团结一致。

10.It isn't up to me to say if he'll play, Leonardo has a better knowledge of the situation.他上不上场我说了不算,莱昂纳多对这个情况会有有更好的认识。